The CCP completely blocked MeToo scholars: fearing the unity of people | me too |


[New Tang Dynasty Beijing, 30 juillet 2018] The "MeToo" movement began in Europe and the United States and has become an important part of badual harbadment and badual badault and can be considered an important part of women's liberation. Milestones The "MeToo" movement was on the rise in the continent, but it was suppressed by the CCP. The scholars pointed out that the bow of the CCP Cup and the shadow of the snakes, considered a subversive force, feared that this movement would unite people.

In October 2017, the United States launches the "MeToo" campaign in Hollywood, calling on women victims of badual harbadment and badual badault to no longer be intolerant, exposing their own experiences and the seriousness of the problem, in the hope of attracting social attention. This movement has caused repercussions worldwide.

On July 23, 2018, the 23-year-old girl Zhao Xin (a pseudonym) was accused in a circle of friends, three years ago by well-known public welfare Thunder. Responding to this thunder, by acknowledging the facts in the text, ready to badume the relevant criminal responsibility, is considering surrender. On July 25, Zhang Wen, a well-known journalist, was accused by several women of "badual badual harbadment," including famous women writers Jiang Fangzhou and Yi Xiaohe.

Some mainland Internet users installed the "MeToo" zone on Weibo, and in 1 day they received 1,700 netizens to share their experiences of badual badault, covering the continental campus, lawyers, writers and media. At the moment when the "MeToo" movement started in mainland China, the relevant articles, information and labels began to be removed by the leadership of the CCP network, which is to "bring society back to stability".

Mainland users have changed the keywords of the articles "MeToo" to "I am too", "Mika Rabbit Movement", "Oh is also the same" and "same", and they have all been banned. Netizens criticized the CCP for defending equality between men and women: in fact, victims were silent and those who did wrong were still murderers. On July 24, Zhao Xin, victim of the Thunder incident, said in an interview with Lu Media: I hope this incident will attract attention and establish a counter-invasive mechanism in the 39 industry to enable girls who have similar experiences. There are places to complain and defend rights, not just like me, I can only cry through my circle of friends.

On July 27, the New York Times reported that "China" I am also "sports fermentation: accusations broke out, censorship" said the CCP arranged a review to limit the spread of the campaign . When the open letters of these women appeared on social media this week, the review agency began taking action to prohibit social media sites from using the "MeToo" label in English and delete some letters. The New York Times quoted Fu Jinghua, a media researcher from the University of Hong Kong, as saying that the CCP was concerned that the movement would unite the people and lead the government, businesses and universities to the mbad movement.

Fu Jinghua said that CCP officials are likely to worry that the "I am too" campaign will bring many people together and target "higher departments" such as corporations, universities and governments. However, he said that he hopes the campaign will continue to have an impact on the continent.

"The magazine can only temporarily prevent public discussion," said Fu Jinghua. "When something big happens again, it will come back."

(Reporter Li Wei Report / Publisher: Qu Ming)

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