The CCP is accused of using hackers to interfere with the Cambodian elections | New Tang Dynasty Fire Eye TV


New York time:

2018-07-11 03:05 PM

The US Internet security company FireEye recently pointed out that a CCP-backed hacker group was planning to interfere with the Cambodian elections that will be held at the end of July. (Screenshot of video screen)

[Heure de New Dynastie Beijing, 12 juillet 2018] A US network security company recently reported that a group of hackers backed by the CCP were planning to interfere with the Cambodian elections that will be held in late July.

According to the US Internet security company FireEye, the CCP hacker group targeted the Cambodian National Electoral Commission, Cambodian Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of the Interior and Finance, and the Cambodian Senate. In addition, the group also conducted cyberattacks against members of the Cambodian National Salvation Party who had been banned from participating in political life and against Cambodian citizens who supported human rights and democracy.

"Fire Eye" said that since 2013, they have been following the activities of the hacker group and believe that these hackers have acted for the CCP government.

"Fire Eye" also pointed out that this group of hackers is one of the most active cyber-espionage groups of the CCP in recent months, it is connected to a server located in Hainan China and its language d & Operation is "Chinese".

According to public information, FireEye is a publicly traded US Internet security company that provides automated threat detection and advanced malware protection services for advanced network threats.

The company was founded in 2004 and is headquartered in Milpitas, California, and was the first Internet security company to be certified by the US Department of Homeland Security.

(Reporter Xiao Jing full report / responsible editor: Qin Feng)

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