The CEO of Mozilla is not satisfied with Microsoft's transition to Chromium's camp


It seems that the president of Mozilla, Chris Beard, is not happy to see Microsoft recently. The open source project Chromium has decided to transform the Edge browser. He wrote on his blog that Microsoft's adoption of Chromium would give Google more control over Microsoft's online activities.

In this article, Chris Beard said that, from a business perspective, Microsoft's decision could make sense. But overall, he still has a critical attitude in this regard. At the same time, he did not forget to encourage Chrome users to try to see Mozilla's Firefox browser, and said with optimism that Microsoft's decision could actually also make Firefox more popular. He added, "Making Google stronger is a risky thing in many ways."

If you knew the situation of the quasi-monopolistic browser market of Microsoft before the advent of Firefox, Chris Beard believes that this situation is not without possibility of pageant, but the person in this monopoly market is Google. He added that if the market share of Chromium's development-based products increased to some extent, developers and companies would disregard the compatibility of their websites with other platforms than Chromium, and consumers would face the same problems. Monopoly market situation.

Of course, in addition to the public, the Quantum Gecko open source software (which increased Firefox's speed twice) has the effect that the impact of this development on society must be greater. In this article, Chris Beard concludes that the use of Firefox can encourage developers and businesses to be interested not only in Chrome, but also to help Firefox and Mozilla at the same time, more choice, and more importantly, safer choices will bring more A healthy competitive environment.

according to Statista's data show thatGoogle Chrome is currently the most popular browser in the world, with a market share of over 67%. Firefox ranks second with a market share of just under 11%. Microsoft Edge is slightly behind IE (6.97%) and Safari (5.13%), with a market share of 4.24%.

Microsoft has stated that the Edge upgrade version will support Windows 10, 7, and 8, and will also be available on Mac. I hope this will bring better network support to users next year and will provide a more consistent web development environment for developers.

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