The country's strongmen stretched their lungs and even burst their lungs.


A man surnamed Wu in Shenzhen, China, lies down after getting up, and has not had time to breathe deeply to "blow up the lungs", so he has was hospitalized immediately. It turns out that the reason for his "explosive lung" is linked to the tall, slender body.

"Look at the news" from China reported that after Wu got up on Monday (16th), he stretched and suddenly suffered discomfort in his chest. He said, "(At the time) I felt that I had back pain, had trouble breathing, the lungs were very irritating and I wanted to cough, but that was very painful when I coughed in my chest. The more serious he was, he immediately went to a nearby hospital for medical treatment.

After examining the doctor, he discovered that he had a pneumothorax on the left chest and a little water and he suggested that he should have a closed chest drainage. Unexpectedly, when the hose was released, about 1500 ml of blood was quickly removed, and the doctor immediately transferred it to Longgang Central Hospital.

The doctor at Longgang Central Hospital said that Wu Man had been gravely shocked when he was admitted to the hospital and that he had bleeding wounds on his body after which he discovered that he was "explosive lung". .

The physician pointed out that the "explosive lung" is clinically called "spontaneous pneumothorax", which is common in young, thin, high-body males, because of the excessive pressure on the thorax in patients with this condition. Type of body. More stress, subject to lesions. Once a lesion occurs, the patient suddenly deteriorates due to certain specific movements or activities, causing a pneumothorax. (Continental Center / Full Foreign Affairs Reports)

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