The day of Zhang Zizhen's suicide, he was hidden for 9 years! 闺 痛 痛 「「 到 到 到 到 到 到 到 到| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |


Reporter Tian Wei / Full Report

The South Korean actress Zhang Ziyan (장 자연) Sufferant for a long time was received by the president in 2009. She hanged herself at home in 2009 The truth finally came to the surface after 9 years. The wife of her friend Li said that she had long been suffering from a severe depression, that she was sometimes called to accompany her for a drink while filming, that she was not sure. she was going to travel with her family on the day of her birth, but that she was absent. Know that she can not continue and chooses to end her life.

 ▼ Zhang Ziyan was forced to accompany sleep and hate himself. (图 / 翻 摄 从 从 从 从 nate)

▲ 张 紫妍 (自 / 翻 摄 自 自 自 自)

Zhang Zikai accompanied the wine incident to relaunch the survey recently.The South Korean program "NEWSROOM" found a woman named Li who claimed to be his girlfriend, and restored his tragic experience. Li Zizhen said that Zhang Zizhen was a girl full of enthusiasm for the entertainment industry, that she was striving to perfect her acting skills, that she was not in the same position. She did not expect to be forced to accompany the wine by the despicable president and that she called Zhang Ziyan to go golfing. To pick up.

Li said that on the day of Zhang Ziyan's suicide, a group of people originally wanted to go to Jeju Island, but suddenly received a message from Zhang Ziyan the day before leaving: "Hey, I can not go. " The other part is working temporarily, and it will take a little later to get to the appointment, how long does it take to get rid of the sadness of Zhang Ziyan's suicide, which makes her cry grieve.

 ▲ ▼ 紫妍 紫妍 sleep 100 times with hate words kill inside people witnessed his suffering: forced to sit down and touch (photo / return of JTBC Room, KBS1)

▲ Zhang Ziyan accompanied her to sleep a hundred times with hateful words to kill the insiders have witnessed her suffering: forced to s & rsquo; sit down and touch (photo / return from JTBC Room, KBS1)

Zhang Ziyan was hanged at home on March 7, 2009, at the age of 26. After the publication of the suicide letter, she wrote her own enthusiasm and wrote hundreds of times: she was forced to drink and have a relationship with the client since 2005. The suicide note reveals a " "evil list" for business leaders, the media and the performing arts. Circle people. She even mentioned in the article: "Whenever new clothes are put on, it's a day that has to be accompanied by a new man." Even parents have to sleep with four men to avoid having bad. To be humiliated. After the call, Zhang Ziyi's chairman, Jin Chengxun, only needed to compensate the family for 24 million won (about 740,000). Taiwanese Dollars), and even suicides that have been confirmed to be left behind have all been forged, making the case confusing.

 Zhang Ziyan. (Fig. / CFP)

▲ Zhang Ziyan (Figure / CFP)

After 9 years, South Korea's ME TOO anti-badual movements have increased, and Zhang Zizhen's incident has once again been greatly appreciated by the outside world, more than 200,000 people in Korea from South wishing to revive the investigation on the Internet. Late justice.

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● "ETtoday News Cloud" reminds you, please, give yourself a chance:
Consultation on suicide prevention line of tranquility of mind: 0800-788995; line of conversation of the lifeline: 1995

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