The director blew herself up in China and was raped.The police tried to "capture the crab" – free entertainment


2018/07/24 08:22

[Reporter Wu Yuting / Rapport complet] Chinese drama "Routine" featuring artists Mingdao, Zheng Jiaying and Xie Tianhua, before the investor suddenly announced the dissolution of the crew , funds have become blurry Stop shooting, then repeat. Hong Kong-based filmmaker Lin Shuzhen said she had made her suffer last week while she was staying in a residence hotel. She was almost raped by a strange drunk man and was persuaded to go to the local police. Lin Shuzhen wrote in her statement that at 6 am on the 16th of last week, while she was sleeping in the room of the Hainan Hotel in China, she suddenly felt some- a squeeze on his chest and saw a strange man. She, she woke up instinctively to fight each other, led the man out of the house. Hotel staff immediately alerted her to the Haikouyu Police Station and discovered that the man involved in the case was a white named HNA training pilot, who climbed from the adjoining room and the 18-story terrace up to Lin Shuzhen's room. Made a mistake.

Lin Shuzheng said that throughout the reporting, the police did not have a transcript or video and even advised him to reconcile, and the boss of the man also came to the Security Bureau Public tell him not to report. Since she did not know the law enforcement in China well, she said she had to take into account a few days, but after that, the police said she had her beaten and that she would attack her for aggression.

After returning to Hong Kong, Lin Shuzheng consulted lawyers familiar with China, and everyone asked why the Chinese public security authorities had described the incident as "defamation", which is enough to constitute an "attempt in the room". Lin Shuzheng said that she felt quite helpless and decided to leave the team because of physical and mental exhaustion. At the end of the statement, she stressed: "The only call for publicity is that the units concerned can be administered according to law. I always have confidence in Chinese law." Lin Shuzhen, director of Hong Kong. (Reflected from YouTube)

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