The director of the Jockey Club is involved in the conspiracy to provide the vendor and the girl to scam 2.52 million orders Subordinate: The defendant ordered not to add the list of offers from another company ( 19:01) – 20180723 – Hong Kong News – Instant News


At the time, the Jockey Club's creative affairs manager, in 2014, when soliciting suppliers for the Jockey Club's 130th anniversary, incited the supplier to participate in the auctions of the other five companies under his control and the supplier won the auction. 2.52 million yuan. The manager's current subordinates were alleged, and the first defendant ordered his subordinates to "put the purchasing department in another company (quote invitation list)".

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The three defendants were then the director of the Jockey Club's creative business Yan Shixin and Huangchao Printing Co., Ltd. Said Huangpu Printing) shareholders and directors Huang Wei and Huang Yuyin. Wang Zhongshan, the subordinate of the first accused at the time of the crime and the head of the Jockey Club, said that the first defendant, after meeting with the dynasty, ordered one of his subordinates to join the defendant's company. List Wang Zhi, the first accused, also told him, as well as his two other subordinates, that they were going to put five companies other than Dynasty Printing on the list of proposed invitations, and that these companies were " all Carl (under-accused) ".

Wang said that the first accused had ordered his subordinates to "put the department of purchases and put another company in (quote invitation list)." She felt "weird" at the time, and she saw a colleague behind. Email to the purchasing department, the content is not to add providers to the list of offers. Wang said that in general, the purchasing department will invite most companies to quote outside the company on their list of offers, but only the Dynasty and the 5 companies will quote.

When Wang accepted the cross-examination, he admitted that the first accused had a bad relationship with the first defendant in 2015. The first accused had even made her a "poorly written" execution report which made her unhappy. However, the king denied that he was beheaded the accused.

The hearing is continued.

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