The Education Association launches an alliance to promote government legislation to ban electronic cigarettes (19:15) – 20180715 – Hong Kong News – Instant News


The Bureau of Food and Environmental Hygiene proposed legislation last month to control emerging cigarette products such as e-cigarettes, which can be sold on the market in accordance with regulatory requirements. The Hong Kong Education Professionals Association (HKIEA) believes that the proposal violates the original intent of the 2015 Administration Proposal "to prohibit the". import, manufacture, distribution, distribution and advertising, "and to legalize the sale of new products. The Education Association has set up a special task force to monitor legislative issues and launch a common education sector to invite all educators in Hong Kong to support government legislation to ban completely emerging cigarette products.

The Education Association cited several reports and investigations that there is no scientific evidence to prove that new cigarette products are "less harmful" and that "less harm" is not possible. is not equal to "no harm" (harmless). According to government samples of electronic cigarettes and electronic cigarettes, electronic cigarettes contain carcinogens such as formaldehyde. For heating products, all samples contain the same nicotine and tar ingredients as traditional cigarettes. These two types of substances have been shown to be addictive and carcinogenic and the heating of cigarettes is only one way to ignite traditional cigarettes, making them a real tobacco product that does not change. not the drug and that will produce "opportunity" and "three". Hand "smoke". It was decided to set up a working group to oversee legislative work and cooperate with anti-smoking work, while launching a joint education office to invite all educators in Hong Kong to sign and support legislation. . New cigarette products are completely banned.

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