The "Fire Captain" of the Sino-US Trade War Meets the Mayor of the United States |


At the time of signs of warming, Wang Qishan, the vice president of the "Firefighting Captain", met with the mayor of Chicago, Emmanuel, the day before, evoking the Chinese relations. American and local cooperation between the two countries. In addition, when the US Senate pbaded a non-binding resolution asking President Trump to impose tariffs for reasons of national security, he must seek congressional approval.

Xinhua News Agency reported that Vice President Wang Qishan met with Chicago Mayor Emmanuel in Ziguangge, Zhongnanhai, Beijing on the eve of the Sino-US relations exchange.

It is reported that this time it was the opening of the Sino-US trade war Wang Qishan met for the first time US officials and broke the rumor that Beijing intentionally refused to allow Wang to deal with Sino-US trade frictions. On the other hand, Wang Fuwen, the Vice Minister of Commerce, who was visiting Switzerland, said that when he was interviewed by Bloomberg, when the country encountered a trade dispute, it should be over. sit down and discuss and find a solution.

Chuan Trump intends to negotiate

China's Ministry of Commerce spokesman Gao Feng said that China will promote trade diversification, open up third-party markets, and respond correctly.

In addition, some media reported that US President Trump intended to restart high-level negotiations between China and the United States.

The US Department of Commerce has announced an agreement with the Chinese giant ZTE communications equipment on the settlement, as long as ZTE pays a fine of $ 1 billion (about $ 7.8 billion Hong Kong) and 400 Millions of dollars (about 3.1 billion Hong Kong dollars) With a deposit, you can lift the ban and resume production and operations. After the publication of the agreement, ZTE's share price has surged.

In addition, there is also a sense of anti-trade war in the United States. A non-binding motion proposed jointly by the Democratic and Republican parties is approved: when the president is required to impose tariffs for reasons of national security, he must first obtain the consent and the consent of the president. Congress authorization.

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