The forest fire in northern California spreads over 30% of the fire – News – Xincheng Finance Channel


The Northern California Forest Fire Extends on 30%

29/7/2018 2:52
Mountain fires in northern California have spread, although the Rescue of the firefighters prevented the city from being more damaged. But fire is getting closer to three thinner communities, and residents have to evacuate
The fire zone has grown 35 percent overnight at 328 square kilometers, advancing southwest of Reading, threatening three communities. Helping firefighters stop the spread of fires in residential areas, but high temperatures, drought and high winds contributed to the spread of fire.
This fire began Monday and spread to Redding City, north of San Francisco. Failure to do so, at least 500 buildings were burned, 37,000 people were forced to evacuate, 5,000 families were threatened and only 5% of the fires were controlled.
Other large mountain fires in California have not yet been evacuated. The outskirts of Yosemite National Park and the fire in the San Jacinto Mountains near Palm Springs.

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