The former director of the port machine was suspected of fraud and was sued by the ICAC, which lost 1.6 million yuan – Economic Link ET Net


06/07/2018 17:03

The former director of the port machine was suspected of fraud and sued by the ICAC The company lost 1.6 million yuan

] "ECAC filed a complaint against the aviation engineering of Hong Kong (00044) A former production engineer
was suspected of fraud, which prompted the company to issue a technical drawing order of 39, a value of about $ 1.6 million to both contractors.
Defendant Hu Guomin, 62, was employed by the port machine at the time of the incident and was the head of the company's component maintenance team The two charges alleged that the defendant
allegedly hid from 1 January 2015 to 19 October 2016, published a technical drawing of the tools specified in the list
issued by the two subcontractors, prepared by HAECO and owned by r the company and is intended to defraud and induce HAECO to award the contract to manufacture the tool
to both subcontractors The price includes the preparation and provision of relevant technical drawings. As a result, both subcontractors obtained benefits
or the harbor machine suffered.
The investigation by the ICAC revealed that the Hong Kong aircraft had issued a total of 185 unnecessary engineering drawings orders
to both subcontractors on the recommendation of the defendant, resulting in a total loss of about 1.6 million yuan.
The accused was charged with two counts of fraud yesterday (5th), in violation of the ordinance on theft. He will appear before Magistrates' Kwun Tong Courts in
next Tuesday (10th) pending the remittal of the case to the district court. The ICAC received a bribery complaint earlier and the investigation revealed the alleged
crime. The defendant was released on bail by the ICAC until next Tuesday. (cl)

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