The founding member of the legislature, Lu Yixiong: "The domestic lens is absolutely perfect, and the Japanese factory has done." Call to support Chinese goods against the US trade war | Hong Kong UNWIRE.HK Play life. Music Technology


July 11, 2018 • Digital camera, technological anecdote •

The Sino-US trade war has been going on for some time and the United States recently announced a tariff on Chinese imports worth hundreds of billions of dollars. In this context, a group of voters in social media has called on Hong Kongers to support Chinese products and to buy American products. One of the founding members of the legislature, Lu Yixiong, gave the example by taking a domestic camera on Facebook, which attracted a series of responses from Internet users.

Lu Yixiong, a member of the FTU, who is interested in photography, shared his new domestic camera on the social platform Facebook (the original) .The manufacturer is a manufacturer of domestic mirrors Lowa (old frog). It also called the lens "light" and "excellent (like) strength performance", the quality is higher than that of the original Japanese products. In the text, there are the words "win the trade war, the Chinese are constantly improving, persist in independent innovation and support high quality domestic products! It is also equipped with labels such as " # made in China 2025" and "domestic optics".

Some net users leave a message, congratulate him on "selling goods" and some people question the country in which the camera is made.

Another founding member, Jiang Lijun, shared a report on the Sino-US trade war on Facebook and said that "the outcome of this trade war is unknown, but what a citizen can do," he said. Is not to buy American goods! " Support to Mr. Jiang's suggestion, and some people have suggested that she delete the Facebook account first, because Facebook is also "American products".

Source: Full Report, Facebook

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