The German international Özil has withdrawn to see racism: "Does dual nationality only lose?" – BBC News


  After the elimination of the World Cup group match of the German team, Ozil was charged.

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Catherine Ivill

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After the Elimination of the Group World Cup Team Match German, Ozil was charged.

After the Turkish-German international Özil announced that he had withdrawn from the national team because of racial discrimination, the contradiction of "dual nationality" has sparked discussions. The BBC Africa Department reporter shared his personal experience and shared the "dual nationality" of people.

On Sunday, German footballer Mesut Ozil made a long statement on the social networking site, stating that he had retired from the German national team. Everywhere in Germany, and even spreading around the world: "When we win, I'm German, when I lose, I'm an immigrant."

He thought to become the German national team in the World Cup group stage. The lamb scapegoat that has been eliminated. Before the match, the photo of Özil and Turkish President Erdogan sparked controversy. Ozil's family came from Turkey and he accused the German Football Association of racial discrimination.

Some German fans have insinuated the English Premier League club Arsenal (Arsenal) Özil is not patriotic, suggesting that he has not contributed enough to Germany's Cup Russian world.

But for Özil, in such circumstances, he did his best for Germany, which was born in Sri Lanka. He said that taking a picture with the Turkish president is a tribute to the parents of the parents' homeland.

It is the dual nationality of Ozil and the millions of people in the world who have dual nationality, which they need every day.

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is this photo with Turkish President Erdogan blew the controversy.

Please note that I am not trying to judge this incident.

I do not know the specific situation, I do not know Özil, what I can talk about, that's how all this incident can cause people's nerves. Not only me, there are others, because of the confusion, sadness and disappointment caused by social exclusion that I consider one of them. .

There are millions of examples in the world like Özil, I am also a dual citizen – Rwanda and Norway.

I am fascinated by two very different cultures, ideas and traditions, and I love both.

My love for these two cultures is exactly the same every day? If I say "yes", then I have to lie.

They represent each of different things in my life, but I embrace both, embracing both good and evil.

Norwegian Culture

But unfortunately, what these cultures represent for me always depends on the definition of others.

Especially in Norwegian culture, even when I clearly stated that I wanted to become mainstream, I am still clbadified as "the other."

Some people helped me decide who I am and, in doing so, they decided if I was "good enough" to be invited to the table.

In 2005, I was surprised when I was elected representative of Norway to participate in the United Nations General Assembly.

At the time, I was just a real Norwegian citizen and lived in a Norwegian city almost impossible to find on a map. And I was able to represent the Norwegian youth on the world stage.

My Source

The media quickly turned to me, they told me that I was "a young woman from the town of Sandness, who represents Norway at the United Nations".

If you read the report, Seeing my photos, you will not know my skin color, my blood.

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Royal Belgium Pool

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Before the World Cup, Belgian player Romelu Lukaku told the media that when he behaved well, he was called Belgian. When he was poor, he called him a son of immigrants.

When I spoke for Norway, I have nothing to say, I am Norwegian, the company helped me to define it and I am happy.

I am very proud to be Norwegian and I am very proud to be Rwandan. In my speech, I mentioned my young refugee experience and learned to embrace my new home.

Job Opportunities

But things have not always been so easy. When I was looking for a Norwegian as a Norwegian, I was often told that "it was not enough for Norway".

At the time, I was an immigrant.

So after a few years of continuous disappointment, I left.

Many people will ask me why I have to leave a country as good as Norway.

But I think it's similar to the reason why Ozil wants to withdraw from the German national team. You have reached a knot where you can not stand what has happened in front of you.

A few things

A few things in life will make you feel differently treated. You are often told that you are not the same as "us"

When I talked about it on Twitter, people said, "So, can Ozil be with the president?" Erdogan?

This is not the point that should be discussed, you made a mistake what I mean.What I mean, is that when you are different, some people you help clbadify, decide where you should go and decide how you should be treated.

It's their hobby, their "good heart".

One of "us"

C & # 39 is their privilege, you can not help, your voice should not even be heard, you should be happy to think you are "a part of us"

What do we need to look at?

Both may be necessary I should be proud to be Rwandan / African and Norwegian

Several generations ago us era: when will they be called immigrants?

The same painting

When can I be part of a nationality with my nephews in Norway and Germany, without additional conditions?

We brought new things that they do not know at this table, but it's not a bad thing, and if this table is messed up, we'll clean it up together.

Because although we are different from others, we live in the same place. At least we are on the same table.

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