The good brother Qi Qikou avoids Jiaying marriage, Chen Kailin's parents smile brightly, it is difficult to hide the joy of the next – Yahoo Hong Kong News


[Sing Tao Daily rapporte] Zheng Jiaying and Chen Kailin (Grace) were released the following month in Bali, Indonesia, and Grace is said to be pregnant. Grace's parents smiled when the reporter asked them yesterday for the marriage and the grandson's business, but they said they had not received any notice, pointing out that her daughter was living always at home. And a lot of drama "Tie Ma Xunqiao" of young brothers Ma Guoming, Tang Shizhen and Huang Jiale, etc., attended the no-show "big big channel big birthday business" the day before, and became the target of the day. media interview, but Qi Qi's performance at Jiaying Avoidance Wen..You Aiweitu .. Deng Guoliang,

Minhua Chen, Qian Wenkun

The reporter went to Grace outside of the 39, apartment of the independent house in Kowloon Tong yesterday, around 14:45, Chen Fu, Chen Muzhen Grace Cellulite The shopping is back at home. The reporter first congratulated Chen's father, who was walking in front of him, and asked about Grace's wedding period? Chen father said with a smile, "I know I have not received the notice." Chen said that he had already seen Zheng Jiaying, but he 's rarely met in the near future. When asked about Grace's recording, Chen's father continued to seal: "There are no discussions with me." Asked about the gift, Chen's father looked at his wife, who immediately asked if Chen was going to hold his grandson. Chen's mother could not hide her bright smile from her heart, laughing and not pointing at her throat. Chen's father explained that his wife had lost her voice because of the illness. As for the fact that Grace is currently living with Jia Ying, the reporter asked if Grace would go home yesterday. Chen's father seriously stressed: "Of course, I'll do it, I'll do it." Then I expressed my gratitude for my concern and went back to my home.

Tang Shiyi avoids reporters

The wedding news of Zheng Jiaying are noisy, a group of artists who become good brothers and sisters through the co-production with him "Tie Ma Xunqiao" When l & # 39; anniversary of the chain company was turned into a target, Tang Shizhen not only avoided reporters, but also said that he would wait on the 25th to attend the event, but in the end she hesitated to accept the interview. Asked why you avoided journalists? She explained that this night was very busy. As to whether "age" Zheng Jiaying ordered a closure? She thought for a moment and said, "Well, because I know what I'm doing. (Ready to go to 峇?) My family turns the drama "Solution"! "Poetry admitted that he took leave from August to September Draw well for traveling.Asked if this has an impact on his plan now? She said: "There are all the influences!"

Asked if you want to go to the brothers and sisters in the village, the poem said: "Do not ask me, let me talk about it! What is the chain? Congratulations?) If the department is going to take a nap, because there is no innocence, I have to take a copy. "As to whether Chen Kailin is pregnant? She said the other party is very thin and that the rumors of pregnancy are not credible.

Ma Mingxi Xin Ying as a shield

Ma Guoming n Was not finished the Sao was early flash, his girlfriend Huang Xinying explained that Ma Ming will start working at 6 o'clock this morning.The reporter laughed and left her alone? Xin Ying has said: "Would you like me to come upstairs, does the money fall on my roof?" It was asked if her boyfriend was particularly secret these past two days or could she go in town? She said that she did not know.As to whether Ma Ming has already taken a vacation? Xin Ying said: "Can you take a vacation? Why do you want to shoot a drama? I have to shoot the movie until September. "For reference to Chen Kailin, she said," What hype? It will not be true. "Well, I may not be able to go to gossip tomorrow."

As for Huang Jiale, he was shocked when he was interviewed. He was going to attend the wedding? He twisted his head and said, "I have to ask the channel! I have not received the official notice." Asked why the "Iron Horse" partners avoid journalists? He said, "Ma Ma Ming really wants to start working! I can only say that I want to get married as soon as possible." Jiale said that the last time I saw the brother "Iron Horse" was at Lin Zishan's wedding. The news about Ying's marriage, he said, "I've always been in power, only responsible for receiving instructions."

■ Tang Shiyi to avoid journalists.

■ Huang Jiale claims to have received no notice of marriage from Jiaying.

■ Zheng Jiaying and Chen Kailin will spend the wedding in Bali next month. (Image d'information)

■ My Guoming is a singer, she seems to be a marriage with Jiaying.

■ Huang Xinying Dai Maming responded to the reporter, but she did not think Chen Kailin was pregnant.

■ Chen Kailin's parents smiled at the reporter's follow-up yesterday and looked happy.

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