The Hot Times | Donald Tsang's conviction appeal was dismissed. The sentence was reduced from 20 months to 12 months.


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Huang Yangda – Photographed at the Second Session of the Advisory Committee on NOC Discrimination Regulations Department of the Blood Publishing


Former Chief of the Executive Donald Tsang was found guilty of an official misconduct in February 2000. He was sentenced to 20 months in jail and after two months from prison, he was released on bail pending an appeal. The court of appeal today (July 20) issued a verdict to dismiss the appeal of conviction, but the sentence was reduced from 20 months to 12 months. Since he was not able to immediately take bail, he had to return to jail for the remainder of his sentence.

During the period when he is accused of being the general manager, Mr. Tsang will neither be declared nor disclosed when he will discuss and decide on the Xiongtao broadcasting license application and will lease the company. Shenzhen unit of the main shareholder of Xiongtao Broadcasting, Huang Chubiao.

Donald Tsang also involved a crime in which the chief executive accepted the interest, but the jury failed to reach a valid consensus and charge did not request a new trial.

(Source: screenshot of NOW News)

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