The ICAC is suing the United States against three real estate agents involved in a plot to defraud Henderson 146,000 (19:01) – 20180704 – Hong Kong News – Instant News


The Independent Commission Against Corruption sued the three real estate agents of Midland Realty for allegedly selling a one-hand apartment in a private subdivision in Central, and conspiring to defraud real estate developers of more than $ 146,000. It is understood that the property involved is the Huihui Emperor of the Western Mid-Levels.

Liu Jiaer, 37, Feng Guoji, 42, and Li Yuxian, 48, Meilian Business Manager, Assistant Co-Director and Regional Business Director, worked at a Central branch and owned to subordinates. They will go to the Magistrates Courts on Thursday, July 5th.

The ICAC said that a buyer had bought a unit for more than 39 million dollars on April 6, 2016. The three defendants allegedly plotted to scam developer Henderson Land, claiming that the United States would pay the buyer a rebate of 1.36 million yuan and encourage the promoter to increase the commission, so that Henderson would pay more than 146,000 yuan in the United States. Commission.

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