The "international pressure" strategy of commercial cooperation between the United States and the failed CCP | New agreement between the United States and Europe |


[New Dynastie Tang, 28 juillet 2018] Newsweek (638) After several months of tugging, the EU and the US have finally come to an agreement on bilateral trade. US President Trump and European Commission President Juncker announced on Wednesday that US-EU relations would enter a "new phase" and promise to reduce tariff barriers and reduce tariffs. Destroy the market.

On July 25, the President of the European Commission, Mr. Juncker, was invited to discuss issues such as tariffs and trade agreements at the White House and US President Trump.

The results of today's talks have been remarkable: the two sides reached an agreement to determine the purpose of the "zero tariff" and the EU also agreed to import more of soybean and natural gas from the United States.

US President Trump: "We agreed to & # 39; unanimously aujourd & # 39; hui d & # 39; First, d & # 39; strive for" zero tariffs "and" non-tariff barriers "and" zero subsidies "for non-automotive industrial products." [19659003LesÉtats-Unisetl'Europetravaillerontégalementàréduirelesobstaclesetàpromouvoirlecommercedansunplusgrandnombrederégions

US President Trump: "We will also reduce barriers and increase trade, including services, chemicals, pharmaceutical, medical and soy."

The President of the European Commission Juncker: "We have decided to strengthen cooperation in the energy sector, the EU will build more ports receiving natural gas and will import US LNG, which is also a signal to other concerned parties. "

The newly concluded agreement states that the EU will make concessions to the United States. .

The mbadive purchase of soybeans in Europe not only eased the pressure on US farmers, but also reduced the impact of stopping the purchase of US soybeans by the CCP. The expansion of US natural gas imports will also reduce dependence on Russian energy and strengthen the protection of Europe.

According to the agreement between Trump and Juncker, the United States and Europe will begin negotiations on the principle of "zero tariff, zero barrier, zero subsidy", the goal being to achieve a true free trade, after steel and aluminum and reciprocal tariffs, The stages cover various industries.

US President Trump: "We have basically opened Europe, which is good for Europe, it's really a good thing for us, and it's really good for our farmers, because you the European Union has subsequently issued a statement that Europe and the United States have the world's largest economic and trade relations, and both sides are hoping further strengthen this relationship and benefit all US and European citizens.

Previously, on the one hand, the CCP had attacked the interests of the United States at the expense of global interests and, on the other hand, had tried to put pressure on the EU for it to unite against the US The latest agreement between the US and Europe broke the CCP's wishful thinking.

Blue commentary on the current affairs of the United States: "He believes that the CCP can handle co together with the United States with Europe, because he and Europe may have a common base of interest against the United States on trade issues, but does not see In the system of values, on humanitarian issues, it's very different from what's happening in Europe, which means that it's impossible to really establish an alliance with the EU because the EU do not believe it. "

For many years, the CCP Using the multilateral trading system in the WTO, we will obtain various trade preferences and technical support from various countries as" developing countries " to promote rapid economic development However, the various unfair commercial practices adopted by the CCP have finally provoked public outrage.

The US-EU Joint Statement proposes that an "executive working group" be launched to jointly reform the WTO and reduce global inequitable trade, including intellectual property theft, compulsory technology transfer, industrial subsidies and distortions caused by state-owned enterprises.In addition to overcapacity, both parties have the intention to cooperate in dealing with the CCP's market abuse Kudlow Larry Kudlow, May Chief Economic Advisor his White: "The world trading system is down, the World Trade Organization is down, there is no reciprocity and the CCP is the worst offender."

It shows that the follow up will take tougher trade measures for the CCP.

Written by: Liang Dong Clip: Yang Yue

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