The Italian version of Wikipedia is closed for 2 days! Protest against European copyright | ETtoday International | ETtoday News Cloud


  ▲ ▼ Wikipedia. (Photo / Dazhi Image / Associated Press)

▲ The Italian version of "Wikipedia" was temporarily closed for two days in protest of the new EU Copyright Law. (Photo / Dazhi Image / Associated Press)

International Center / Comprehensive Report

As the fifth Wikipedia in the world's website traffic, it's a place for many people to check information and provide informations. However, the Italian version of Wikipedia was temporarily closed for two days to protest against the new EU copyright law. A statement on the website states that the European Parliament will vote on the new copyright law and that "cyber liberty is under threat". If this proposal is approved, it may not be possible to share news articles on social media. Looking for news on search engines.

Since the European Union proposed a new copyright bill, Wikipedia has constantly protested against this new regulation that will have serious repercussions on them. According to the BBC, Article 13 is the most controversial because it states that the website enforces copyright law, even if the content downloaded by the user is in the jurisdiction.

The report points out that some badysts believe that if the law comes into force, it can end the "memory of the Internet" (meme, also known as "memes", "mystery", etc.), rearranged remixes (remixes) and other things, and websites that want to add links to news articles may be required to pay.

If you enter the English version of "Wikipedia", although you will not import the ad site as the Italian version, there will be a banner at the top of the site, I hope that Wikipedia users will be able to vote in the European Parliament. Contact the board representatives as soon as possible. In addition, Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales and Internet father Tim Berners-Lee publicly opposed the law.

 ▲ ▼ Wikipedia Italian version. (Fig. / Returning from Wikipedia)

▲ ▼ A statement on the website indicated that the European Parliament would vote on the new copyright law and that "the freedom of the press is threatened. " (above / return from Wikipedia) (below / Dazhi Image / Associated Press)

 ▲ ▼ Wikipedia. (Photo / Dazhi Image / Associated Press)

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