The management changes of HNA are even more bizarre.


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National Conditions


06 July 2018 15:11

There was a new doubt in the death of Hainan Wang Jian.The hospital that reported the scene of the incident said that Wang Jian n 39 had not been received at all. On the other hand, the news refers to Chen Feng, chairman of Hainan Airlines' board of directors, who has strengthened the follow-up of the company in recent months, including the organization of his son Chen Xiaofeng as the special badistant of Wang Jian.

According to media reports from the mainland, Chen Feng, who rarely directly manages the company's business, suddenly gave many instructions in mid-June: all documents requested by the group , Wang Jian, must be copied. Chen Xiaofeng and his son Chen Chaokong, income of the United States, joined the group, Chen Xiaofeng was the special badistant of Wang Jian and Chen Chaokong was the president of innovation.

Since Wang Jian and Chen Feng co-founded Hainan Airlines, Chen Feng was the first officer, Wang Jian is the second, Chen Feng is the principal and Wang Jian. Chen Feng has a big character and drinks his subordinates, but usually he will send a small gift to his subordinates on the second day. Wang Jian never swears, but once he finds an error, he will immediately return it or transfer it. Chen Feng has often attended the event to receive media interviews, Wang Jian has always been discreet and has never received an exclusive interview with the media in the past 25 years. However, in April this year, he suddenly accepted the interview "China Economic Weekly", and he made more than four hours, which surprised the company. The full text of the interview was officially released on July 5: "In the opening remarks of the first reporter, he took the initiative to mention the doubts that caused the HNA's dismay during the course of Past year, as long-repressed grievances. "I do not want to spit," said Wang Jian. "There is a deep sense of unease and no disguise."

Hainan Airlines has been accused of Be related to the family of Vice President Wang Qishan and Wang Jian categorically responded: "If you want to climb to the dignitaries, it is impossible for HNA to live up to this day. Since mid-2016, HNA has been caught in a series of scandals, such as debt, overseas mergers and acquisitions, financing difficulties and land sales, said Wang Jian, frankly, "I do not do not think my head is big. " Suddenly he exclaimed with excitement: "It's hard to be a business, not good, not bad … Well, someone will steal you, bad, someone." One will hurt you If someone with ulterior motives hurts you, you steal. Tell me what to do? He did not specify who "had ulterior motives".

Wang Jian's family history is not known to the outside world: Wang Jian himself is said to have an American green card and a son who lives in the United States. His brother Wang Wei is also a billionaire in China with more than a dozen companies, but the New York Times has published investigation reports and found companies that are developing golf courses, resorts seaside resorts and villas for HNA. The badet management service companies, and even the food suppliers, are actually on behalf of Wang Wei.

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