The Maske team is here! Rescue cave teenager He wants to use the "inflatable tunnel" to lead the exit | ETtoday International | ETtoday News Cloud


  ▲ ▼ President of Tesla (TESLA) Elon Musk. (Photo / Image Dazhi / Associated Press)

▲ Elon Musk. (Photo / Dazhi Image / Associated Press)

Reporter Wang Zhikai / Full Report

13 students and teachers of the Thai football team were trapped in the "sleeping beauty hole" for more than 2 weeks . The engineering team sent by technology mogul Elon Musk arrived in Thailand on the 7th and has already left for the Chiang Rai rescue site, hoping to use the most advanced technology of the drilling company to facilitate positioning and pumping.

Bloomberg reported that Musk's spokesman has already said that SpaceX's technology or Boring Co. could be helpful in helping to identify the position of the trapped teenager, or C & # 39; the use of Tesla high power battery to create "Powerwalls".

Musk soon had other new ideas for rescue. He suggested on Twitter that it might be possible to place an inflatable plastic tube in the cave, just like a "boiling castle", creating an inflatable pbadageway in the water that matches the topography of the cave. When Musk responded to the net surfers, he mentioned that as long as the air pressure is greater than the water pressure, the pipe will expand and the water will no longer enter the cavern.

Musk said that another post mentioned that he had studied in detail the different places and depths of the cave. He also traded Twitter with James Yenbamroong, founder of Thai Satellite Corporation, about voltage and current data for on-site generators.

This is not the first time that Musk has been helping in the event of a disaster. During the Puerto Rico wind disaster in 2017, the local government also asked Musk to help rebuild the infrastructure. Musk provides energy walls and related equipment through his Tesla. Musk said earlier, "The Thai government needs to understand the situation, but if I can, I'll be happy to help."

▼ Rescuers race against time and do their best to rescue 13 teachers and students from the Stalactite Cave. (Photo / Reuters)

 ▲ Thirteen young builders of football teams in Thailand were trapped in Tham Luang. (Photo / Reuters)

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