The most direct joy, astronomers first confirmed the birth of an image of the newborn planet |


About 370 light-years from Earth, scientists eventually photographed the most direct nascent planets from a dust disk.

There are many different theories about the formation of planets, but the fact is that despite the simulations of innumerable supercomputers, we have not yet fully determined how the planets were born, how to distinguish themselves from fragmentation of young stars. The system proves that astronomers must congregate in time, place and man, and just see a newborn planet of stellar dust.

The Max Planck Institute in Germany collaborated with the Very Large Telescope team of the Southern European Observatory (ESO) and decided to focus its research on a young dwarf at about 370 years old. -light of the Earth. On the PDS 70, the SPHERE instrument brings a powerful image: a giant gas planet PDS 70b is formed from a disc around the young star PDS 70, born there are only 5.4 million d & rsquo; Years, compared to the 4.5 billion years of Earth. Just a child.

A large space appeared in the dusty circumstellar disk around the PDS 70, which is often considered a sign of planet formation, representing the presence of large planets collecting material by interacting with the dust disk. The planet will slowly change its distance from the central star.

In the new image of observation, the PDS 70b is very clear (highlighting in the image below), about 3 billion kilometers from the central star, which equates to the distance between Uranus and the Sun. And the surface temperature of the planet is about 1000 ° C, which is much hotter than any planet in the solar system, it takes 120 years to encircle the main star.

(Source: European Southern Observatory)

Incidentally, the star in the center of the image becomes a black spot because it is shaded by a coronagraph, which only hides the light dazzling emitted by the star, astronomer Have only the opportunity to detect the darker disks and planetary systems around, otherwise the weak light of the planets will be completely submerged by the intense light of the PDS 70.

The Astronomers also photographed some new planets that could be around distant stars, but the team said that the authenticity of these images was often controversial. The new study used different methods to study the system for more than 4 years, take images at different times, use different algorithms, capture light of different wavelengths, etc., but the results were consistent and confirmed the planets ready to be born. Only by constantly observing the planets born of the dust disk, can we really understand the mechanism behind the formation of the planet, although the PDS 70b does not bring the greatest attention to the outer planets – what they can live or not. However, it is the first exoplanet to prove its birth, and it will become an important discovery of planetary science.

The team published two articles in the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics.

(Source: NASA)

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