The most powerful fans of China Xi Jinping: I watch the World Cup every day | Cross-Strait | Central News Agency CNA


  In July 2008, Xi Jinping, then vice president of the state, inspected the Qinhuangdao football division of the Beijing Olympics. Although he wears leather shoes and formal wear, he still shows off his footwork. (from Communist Network China News Network) Central News Agency July 5, 107 In July 2008, Xi Jinping, then vice president of the state, inspected the Qinhuangdao football division of the Beijing Olympics . Although he wears leather shoes and formal wear, he still shows off his footwork. Central News Agency July 5, 2007

(Central News Agency, Taipei, 5th) Russian media reported that Chinese President Xi Jinping had yesterday met foreign guests in Beijing, saying that he was watching the World Cup all days. The game, and described as "a very pleasant thing in the day."

The Russian satellite news agency reported that Xi Jinping had met with the Chairman of the Committee of the Russian Federation, Matviyenko, on 4.

He said: "The World Cup is currently unfolding in Russia, focusing on the eyes of people around the world, Russia successfully hosted this World Cup and the Russian team also played at high level and entered the quarterfinals. Russian team went further and achieved brilliant feats: I watched the World Cup every day for a few days, which is also a very enjoyable day. "

As the most powerful fan from China, Xi Jinping The love football is well known in China. However, with a population of 1.4 billion people, China is currently ranked only 75th in the FIFA World Ranking by FIFA, the Chinese National Football Team was eliminated at the FIFA World Cup ™ Asian world in this World Cup.

The Voice of China reports that Xi Jinping has three wishes for Chinese football: "Qualifications for the World Cup in China, host the World Cup and win the World Cup."

According to reports, love football for Xi Jinping. Period. At this time, Xi Jinping attended Beijing Bayi Middle School. He once proudly said, "Our team won the championship in Beijing and won fourth place in the national competition."

reported that in the 1980s, Xi Jinping gradually bade farewell to the stadium, but he did not put enthusiasm for football. During his tenure as secretary of the Zhengding County Committee of Hebei Province, Xi Jinping sometimes went back to Beijing on weekends and asked his friend Nie Weiping to find football tickets and go to the workers' stadium. .

The report stated that Xi Jinping and Nie Weiping had watched the Chinese team and the British Armed Forces Waterford in Shanghai in the summer of 1983. The line of defense of the Chinese team was defeated and scored after being scored 5 goals by Watford. "Both left the scene angrily."

Nie Weiping later said that even though Xi Jinping "sees sad", he has always been concerned about Chinese football.

The delay in the development of Chinese football is explained by many reasons, among which the "black whistle" and the "black ball" are a big tumor. According to Chen Peide, former director of the provincial sports bureau of Zhejiang, Xi Jinping repeatedly asked about the "anti-black work" of Chinese football during his tenure as secretary of the Zhejiang provincial party committee and vice president of l & # 39; State.

The Communist Party of China News Network reports that in July 2008, Xi Jinping, then vice president of state, inspected the Qinhuangdao Division of Beijing Olympic Football Games. Although wearing leather shoes and formal wear, he still shows his footwork and pulls a few feet.

During a visit to Ireland in February 2012, during a visit to a sports badociation in Dublin, Xi Jinping went on the field and "showed his footwork with interest".

In October 2015, Xi Jinping visited the Manchester City Football Academy in the UK to attend the training competition of the club's front-line players and took a photo with the Cameroonian Prime Minister and the star from Manchester City Aguero.

In September 2016, Xi Jinping met with Argentine President Markley in Hangzhou and said with envy that he hoped to have the Chinese Messi or Maladina over the next 20 years. (Publisher: Yang Shengru) 1070705

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