The museum is still full of people shared by Ding Xinbao: Monday morning in the middle of the exhibition – Hong Kong Economic Daily – TOPick – News – Company


The last two days of the book fair, Dr. Ding Xinbao, former director of the Hong Kong Museum of History, gave a lecture on July 23 on the theme "Reading the Museum's Big Book". A hundred people attended.

Since the Second World War, the International Museum Association has been updating the definition of "museum" to provide guidance to museums around the world. Ding Xinbao believes that there is no new definition for 11 years, mainly because there is no consensus in the industry: "The museum of & Xin Xin:::::::::::::::: Today, today and today can be a revolution, completely reversing all previous things! The new transformation includes a profitable business model, a focus on the concept of fun and entertainment, and exhibits that incorporate electronic virtual elements. Therefore, he looks forward to the new definition that will emerge in the future: "The new emergence can be incredible! The century in which we live now can also reverse all previous centuries. "

He believes that modern museums have four basic elements: The public is open, research, display and collection. He laughed that many museum collection methods came from looting, including the British Museum, followed by scientific advances, such as some scientific or geological museums, and the Western Enlightenment, which opened the private collection to the public, as the Louvre.

He pointed out that the museum is mainly divided into three categories: history, art and science. The general process of the exhibition is to collect exhibitions, organize, search, repair and display. He recalled: "The only thing you see every day is the exhibition, this is only part of the museum." The methods of collecting the exhibits include the field collection, the purchase and the donation. He recalled an interesting experience: once the former curator of the Hong Kong Museum went to the New Territories campaign, he saw a unique hatchet in an unmanned home and after asking the village chief he brought the knife back to the museum. A day after 10 years, some said that they were going to take back the hatchet, the hatchet being the feng shui of the villagers. Ding Xinbao said smiling, "Only every time you ask!" There is always a lot of people in Hong Kong museums: "You can go Monday morning in the middle of the exhibition, there will be at least one person! "(Photo Chen Jingyi)

In addition, he particularly appreciates the people who gave cultural relics:" If someone gives the whole collection, it's not how much of it! " 39, money can be bought because it reflects the spirit of Tibetans. "For example," Vita Milk ". Luo Guixiang donated the Yixing pot (currently the Hong Kong Tea Ware Museum collection), donated Cantonese opera relics (now the Hong Kong Cultural Museum collection) and donated Chinese paintings and paintings to Hong Kong Government. He thinks the hardest thing is that donors are also willing to donate valuable cultural relics to Hong Kong because, compared to donating other international museums, "Hong Kong has nothing to offer you. ".

Speaking of the current history museum in Hong Kong, he admits that there is room for improvement in interpretation and research, but praises the overall quality of the exhibition. He also believes that Hong Kong should build more special branches, such as postal services, transport, etc., and encourage more industries to establish, such as the Maritime Museum.

Finally, asked about the number of museums in Hong Kong, the public is usually hard to appreciate: Ding Xinbao smiles: "It's really hard to enjoy in Hong Kong, but we can visit Monday morning at middle of the exhibition. "

Dr. Ding Xinbao is a famous historian, he was appointed deputy curator of the Hong Kong Museum of Art in 1979. In 1995, he was appointed chief curator of the Hong History Museum. Kong and retired in late 2006. After retirement, I will travel, hold conferences and take guided tours. More than 100 people came to the conference.

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