The mysterious tourist trial operation on the front line of Bold Island was officially welcomed next year | Local | NOWnews Today's News


▲ For many years, the Jinmen County Government has been fighting for the Department of National Defense. The island "Bold Island" will be officially open to tourism in March this year. (Photo / Reporter Lu Yichang)
▲ For many years, the Jinmen County Government has been fighting for the Department of National Defense. The island "Bold Island" will be officially open to tourism in March this year. (Photo / Reporter Lu Yichang)

The Golden Gate "Bold Island", known as the "Peripheral Island in the Peripheral Islands", was opened for exploitation on July 26th. The test operation will be completed by the end of October. It is estimated that the number of people visiting the island will reach 3,000 people and will be officially in 2019. Open operation.

The Jinmen County Government said that in an attempt to face the 60th anniversary of the 823 artillery battle, the bold test operation on the island had been opened on July 26, and that the total number of people on the island would be 1 968. On September 30, the trial should be completed by the end of the month. The number of tourists will reach 3,000.

On July 26, 1950, the Battle of the Great Essence of the Second World broke out and 700 soldiers crossed the sea to attack the second island of this daring island. The commander of the National Army Battalion, Master Shi Hengfeng, led fewer than 300 officers and men in front of the head. In the bloody battle, more than 300 people were killed and 252 people were captured. In 1951, Chiang Ching-kuo visited the island and renamed the island "Bold Island". On the island, he wrote the stone monument "The island is not the only one".

The bold 0.91 km² island is only 4,400 meters from mainland China and 0.28 km² from Erdan Island, 800 meters from the daring island, because it is near Xiamen and bears the title of "front line". At that time, you can view the buildings located around Xiamen Island Road from the daring island, where the cell phone will even browse the network of Chinese telecom operators.

With relations between the two strands of the Strait and the implementation of the shrewd case of the national army, the garrison on the second largest island has gradually declined: at present, more than 100 soldiers are stationed on the daring island and less than 40 people on the island. Because of its territorial nature, the Kinmen County Government has therefore actively asked the Department of National Defense to open the island to tourism.

The bold tourist reservation system of the island, the "group group", and tourists must stay in Liyu one night to get on board the island, the Jinmen County Government also cooperated with the airline to launch the "Project Golden Gate Double Cannon 55", two If you are accompanied by an official military certificate, a Golden Gate veteran or a card veteran, you can benefit from a 55% discount on ticket purchases. This offer will expire on December 31st. The Jinmen County government said that among the tourists on Dan Island, the proportion of veterans reached 60%, which allowed veterans to return to the crowd of golden tourists.

The daring island is expected to officially open its tourist activities next year and the weather is still undecided. The famous tourist sites on the bold island include the bold stone of the inscription "The Island is not the only" of Jiang Jingguo, the eggs of hens raised by sources of 39 local water, the famous Shenquan tea room for baking the spring cake and the "Sanmin" of the daring island of Beishan. The unification of China is the heart of the wall slogans.

▲ The wall of the bold slogan of "Three principles of popular unification of China" in the bold island faces the port of Xiamen and has become a famous monument. (Photo / Lu Yichang reporter) "width =" 5184 "height =" 3888 "srcset =" 5184w, https: // 300w, life time, -768x576.jpg 768w, -content / uploads / 2018/10/1540623862-f0328bf51c153573bdd14fc85ca43ee2-1024x768.jpg 1024w, 80w, https://www.nownews .com / wp-content / uploaderproduceproduct / sponge / shrub / s / water .com / wp-content / uploads / 2018/10/1540623862-f0328bf51c153573bdd14fc85c43c43ee2-265x198.jpg 265w, https: //www.nownew even longer, https : // Charges / 2018/10/1540623862-f0328bf51c153573bdd14fc8543e2-1392x1044.jpg, Now the 1120w "sizes =" (maximum width: 5184px) 100vw, 5184px
▲ The wall of the bold slogan of "Three principles of popular unification of China" in the bold island faces the port of Xiamen and has become a famous monument. (Photo / Reporter Lu Yichang)
According to the tombstone, during the Golden Gate Artillery Battle, before the bombing of the Golden Gate, he spreads his wings and flew to hide the police, so that officers and soldiers could avoid and save their life on time. It's called "the chicken god" (Photo / Reporter Lu Yichang) "width =" 5184 "height =" 3888 "srcset =" 10/1540624131-f3b50f02f456c0cb05bbc5cb5cb5cb59946.jpg, 5184w, // -768x576.jpg 768w, f3b50f02f456c0cb0535bf5b499e6-1024x768.jpg 1024w, https: //www.wn / 2018/10 / 1540624131-80 .com / wp-content / uploads / 2018/10/1540624131-f3b50504456c, -content / uplo Announcements / sssssssssssss 560W, 1540624131-f3b50f02f456c0cb0535b30cf5b499e6-1120x840.jpg 1120w "sizes =" (maximum width: 5184px) 100vw, 5184px
▲ The tomb of the god of gods on the north mountain of the bold island According to the tombstone, during the shooting of the Golden Gate, before the bombing on the other side, she spreads her wings and flies to hide the police, so officers and soldiers can avoid and save their lives. Known as "God Chicken". (Photo / Reporter Lu Yichang)

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