The number of diplomatic relations is a false proposition: red, blue and green are no longer self-inflicted – Vision Magazine

The number of diplomatic relations is a false proposition: red, blue and green are no longer self-inflicted.

In Taiwan, the Republic of China (Taiwan, China) lost three diplomatic relations between states in six months. Relative to the regrets of breaking off diplomatic relations, the author worries more about the unnecessary internal friction lost in the "country exchanges" because the realization of the good aspiration to the life of a person is a "good system" and not the number of diplomatic relations. President Cai said: "The destruction of diplomatic relations on behalf of the Republic of China (Taiwan) must challenge our common goal!" The author asks: If the country reaches the goal of zero, what will the government order to the people? Mr. Sun Yat-sen founded the Republic of China in 1912. In 1913, he established diplomatic relations and made three diplomatic breaks: in 1949, the "People's Republic of China" (Mainland China) was created and the first wave of diplomatic relations broke out; in 1971, the "Chinese seat" of the United Nations was replaced by mainland China. The Republic of China (Taiwan, China) was forced to withdraw and broke a new wave (Japan, US, etc.): Taiwan's China has been rotated three times since 2000 and the number diplomatic relations has been modest and deeply affected by the politics of Metropolitan China. . Since 1949, the government on both sides of the strait has maintained the zero-sum relationship "you do not have me" in the international community. Mainland China has more than one state, and Taiwan and China must be reduced by one. Therefore, we would have long understood the reality that "diplomatic relations can not be separated from relations between the two shores". More importantly, we must first understand the meaning of "diplomatic relations between states" and first define the ultimate goal of relations between the two shores. In fact, El Salvador wanted to establish diplomatic relations with Beijing in 2010. It was reported that at that time, both parties relying on the "consensus of 92" (ie the tables first and middle), mainland China refused to allow the country. You can know that: 1. Saskatchewan has deliberately changed the purpose of diplomatic relations and how many of the remaining 17 states can not change positions? 2. Recognizing whether or not the 1992 Consensus will affect my diplomatic status. The importance of diplomatic relations with mainland China is as follows: the AIA recognizes that mainland China is "the only legitimate government of China" and indirectly weakens the international status of Taiwan and China; in Taiwan, China is: "The traditional relations" in …

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