The number of people killed by heavy rains in Japan rose to 209


July 15, 2018, 19:02 Source: Hong Kong News Agency China

Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency July 15: The number of people killed in the storm in Japan reached 209 people, the first storm of rain was described as "specific emergency disaster" [19659003] Wu Weisi, reporter from the Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency

Torrential rains in western Japan have made 209 dead and 20 people are still missing. On the 14th, the Japanese government adopted the decision of the council of ministers to designate the disaster as a "special emergency disaster": it is the first time that the level of disaster is applied to a disaster.

CCTV reported on the 15th that search and rescue operations are continuing. In hard-hit areas, such as Okayama and Hiroshima, rescuers continue to search for lost personnel. More than 5,000 people in 16 prefectures and counties live in shelters, and the water cuts of more than 200,000 families in the affected areas have not been alleviated.

Since Japan is the country with the highest degree of aging in the world, elderly people living alone have become the biggest victims. Japanese newspaper Kyodo News reported that Japanese police said many elderly people simply could not reach heights or escape from the roof in the face of emergencies such as collapse of dams and floods, including first hours of the day.

In the hard-hit area of ​​Kurobe-cho, Kurashiki-shi, Okayama Prefecture, the deepest flood has reached 4.8 meters, causing the death of at least 48 people , of whom 37 are over 65 years old. They are basically killed at their door or on the first floor. Some local residents said that many elderly people who had died were not able to pbad the help phone or greet the neighbors and were ruthlessly carried away or drowned.

China News Network reported on the 15th that the Japanese government adopted the cabinet meeting on the 14th to designate the storm disaster as a "special emergency disaster". The goal is to relieve residents who are unable to handle various administrative procedures due to the disaster.

The central government of Japan is also advancing the designation procedures for "extremely serious disasters" that increase the national subsidy rate for local government disaster reconstruction projects and plans to improve the situation of the disaster areas on as soon as possible. In addition, the central government indicated that it would strengthen the sending of support staff to the local governments concerned in order to quickly issue the necessary disaster certificates to temporary resettlement houses and support for the reconstruction of the victims.

"Special emergency disasters" are based on special measures for emergency disasters, and special cases such as the extension of the period of authorization may be fixed. Other scenarios include the extension of the commercial license for food and beverage stores and the extension of the residence period of temporary relocation houses. For the first time, four earthquake disasters, including the Great Hanshin Earthquake and the Great East Japan Earthquake, have been described as "special emergency disasters".

The official residence of the Japanese Prime Minister said on the 14th that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe canceled the inspection plan of Hiroshima Prefecture in the area of ​​western rain storm from Japan on the 15th. This is because Abe called the pain of the right leg root and diagnosed "hip inflammation" at the Keio University Hospital in Shinano -cho, Tokyo. This time, the disaster prevention team will be inspected by Kojiro, and the Abe inspection schedule for Hiroshima will be reconciled. In addition, the Xinhua News Agency reported on April 15 that a van carrying volunteers and carrying supplies in the rain zone caused a traffic accident in the first section of the prefecture of & # a a a a a a dans dans dans dans dans dans dans dans dans. Okayama in Japan, causing four wounded, but none of them. Life is dangerous. (End)

[Edit: Li Qunying ]

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