The potential for cooperation between China and ASEAN is huge: mutual benefits and a win-win situation are good.


July 6, 2018 11:07 Source: China News Network

Hong Kong News Network, July 6, according to China News Service, [Explication] 2018 is "the year of China-ASEAN innovation" and the 15th anniversary of the China-ASEAN Strategic Partnership. On July 5, Beijing time, the "Belt and Road" sponsored by the China Public Diplomacy Association and the Shanghai Political Consultative Conference – Chinese companies participated in the ASEAN seminar in Shanghai.

Chinese and foreign guests at the meeting agreed that the potential for cooperation between China and ASEAN is huge and that the mutual benefits and win-win situation are good. In the future, the two sides will continue to strengthen the construction of the "belt and the road" and to conduct further cooperation in the economic and commercial fields. This provides a good opportunity for Chinese companies to enter ASEAN. Chinese companies should seize new opportunities for cooperation with ASEAN, enhance mutual understanding and explore new ideas to enter ASEAN.

Dong Yunhu, chairman of the Shanghai Municipal People's Political Consultative Conference, stressed in his speech that the potential for cooperation between China and ASEAN is even greater and that the prospects for entry of Chinese companies in ASEAN are even wider.

[Contemporain] (Dong Yunhu, chairman of Shanghai CPPCC) In 2017, the volume of bilateral trade between China and ASEAN exceeded 500 billion dollars and bilateral investment totaled more than 180 billions of dollars. In the new situation, the potential for cooperation between China and ASEAN is even greater and the entry prospects of Chinese companies in ASEAN are even wider. Promote the entry of Chinese enterprises in ASEAN promotes the consolidation and development of friendly relations between China and ASEAN, facilitating the win-win and prosperous development of China-ASEAN cooperation and contributing to the common well-being of more than 2 billion people in China and in ASEAN. Yang Chonghui, vice president of the Chinese Economic and Social Council, said China should work with ASEAN to preserve the multilateral trading system and other common concerns, and give full play to the main role of enterprises . Promote the development strategy of China and ASEAN countries.

[Contemporain] (Vice Chairman of China Economic and Social Council Yang Chonghui) I think that state enterprises should be very strong, and that the government can promote superior national resources to make big projects , especially the foundation. Installation project. Then, private companies are in the manufacturing industry, and there is a lot to be done in the manufacture of some products they urgently need.

[Explication] For Chinese companies to "go out", the meeting's experts also gave their own suggestions.

[Contemporain] (Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Vice Chairman of the Central Committee of the National Democratic Construction Association Zhou Hanmin) When we come to the world, the most important is to master the five aspects of the environment. The first is political, politically stable if these countries are stable, the second is the economy, the economy must be active, but it must be orderly, the third is culture, the power of culture is very open, we call integration, the fourth is society. The most important thing in the social atmosphere is fairness, and at the same time, justice is required, fifth, the rule of law.

[Explication] Professor Ma Kaishuo, professor of public policy at the National University of Singapore and former ambbadador to the United Nations in Singapore, pointed out that ASEAN's fortunes must seize the opportunities of development of world trade. In the global economic situation in which trade frictions are intensifying, ASEAN must seek solutions to new challenges. Gu Jinshan, deputy secretary general of Shanghai municipal government, said that Shanghai attaches great importance to development opportunities related to cooperation with ASEAN countries and will take advantage of the opportunity to build a "center" of scientific and technological innovation ". The opportunities generated by a scientific and technological and industrial revolution will reinforce the development strategy and the anchoring in the field of innovation, will stimulate a new dynamic of economic and commercial cooperation and will create new high places of innovation. 39, innovation and development.

Report of the Reporter Xu Wei Xu Yin Kang Yuzhan of Shanghai

[Edit: Liu Huiqiong ]

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