The quasi-Taiwanese businessmen suspend the "green sky and the white red flag": in agreement with the Taiwanese people, they have always been "lucky little ones" (18:43) – 20180728 – Cross- Strait – Instant News


Affected by the "513 Chinese New Year Incident" in 2014, many Chinese have still reserved their factories in Vietnam. Taiwan's central news agency reported today that the Vietnamese government has accepted Taiwan's "Kaichan Furniture" factory, which can be linked to Taiwan's "green sky and red flag". The factory said that it will help the authorities to identify Taiwanese companies. Subsequently, the World Wide Web commented that Taiwanese were complacent about a banner and did not conform to the big picture of the international community.

On May 13, 2014, ancient China explored oil in the South China Sea with sovereignty disputes, provoking discontent of the Vietnamese authorities and the Chinese people, causing many deaths and injuries in Vietnam. In China, Hong Kong, Taiwanese companies have also been attacked and destroyed. Luo Ziwen, chairman of Kaixin's largest furniture factory, said his company was affected by Chinese exclusion and lost about $ 1 million (about $ 7.847 million Hong Kong) and negotiated with the company. Vietnamese government. Compensation. According to reports, Kaisheng Furniture, as a leader in the Vietnamese furniture industry, has a turnover of 100 million dollars a year, exported to the United States, accounting for 5% of annual exports of Vietnamese furniture.

Luo added that the Vietnamese government has explained that because local citizens are not clear about Chinese and Taiwanese companies, they will "be wrong" about Taiwan-financed companies, but they are now being identified by the 39; company. In the past, there was no way to do it. "After the bloody conflict provoked by the Chinese exclusion in June this year, some former Taiwanese businessmen believed that the truth was" anti-China ", not a Chinese, and advised not to" "

The World Wide Web reported that it was an incident that questioned the real security problems in Vietnam." According to related articles, Taiwanese businessmen have been stranded in Vietnam in recent years, including a steel plant set up by Formosa Plastics Group in 2016. The Vietnamese government has reported toxic wastewater discharges and a $ 500 million fine. The company imposed the highest fine.When local authorities and the people surrounded the staff of Formosa Plastics, the legislators of the DPP were arrested with their pbadports, which is doubtful of the feasibility of the " new politics of the south » proposed by Tsai Ing-wen, Formosa Plastics has also been the subject of a tax inspection and has been repaid for 70 million dollars (approximately HK $ 549 million), with losses of up to US $ 570 million (approximately HK $ 4.47 billion).

The report states that at the international summit "A Belt, a Road" in May 2017, Vietnam and China signed a joint statement to support the one-China policy and oppose any form of independence of Taiwan. Official cooperation At that time, the Taiwanese media said the joint statement banned the international space and the "new politics of the south" and believed that Vietnam was attracted by the political and economic incentives of the continent. "How to choose between the mainland and Taiwan is obvious."

Global Network commented that the incident of the "green sky and white red flag" was hanged on Vietnamese businessmen, saying that the move could be consistent with the "small fortunes" of the Taiwanese, but he is complacent for a banner and does not conform to the big model of society.

(World Wide Web)

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