The rare eclipse of the century, the long eclipse and the March rushing this box Saturday | The total eclipse | March


New York time:

2018-07-25 05:42 PM

The longest total monthly eclipse "Blood Moon" in the century so far will ride the hour of the Earth closest to Mars in 15 years. (Source: royalastrosoc Twitter account)

[Période New Dynastie Beijing, 26 juillet 2018] This Saturday, the longest total solar eclipse of this century will appear at the same time as the rare "Mars". Astronomers and astronomers look forward to the emergence of this double wonder. At that time, the total eclipse will last 103 minutes, and Mars will look four times larger than usual and bright and abnormal.

According to the Taiwan Central News Agency, from 17:14 to 14:28 GMT, about half of the world's regions can see that the moon has been partially or completely obscured by the Earth's shadow, which lasted 6 hours and 14 minutes.

The Royal Astronomical Society of London has declared that the total eclipse will take place from 19:30 to 21:13 GMT, or 103 minutes long and the longest since the 21st century. A full moon

from here, it is precisely when Mars will be closest to the Earth that it will be extremely tall and that Mars will appear near the Moon, visible at the end of the day. naked eye. According to a researcher at the Taipei City Planetarium, the phenomenon of the lunar eclipse occurred in the early hours of 27-28 in Taiwan, and there will be a "March Rush" that will occur all 15 or 17 years old. Right now, Mars is "the biggest and the brightest," which is "four times bigger than the Mars you usually see."

Li Wei, deputy researcher at the Taipei Municipal Planetarium, said in an interview with TVBS: "(March) is very bright at that time Around 7 or 8 o'clock (Taiwan time), you can see a star orange to the southeast.

Li Wei also said: When this total eclipse occurs, Mars will be close to the moon, and there will be a rare sight of "Red Mars" and the Scarlet Moon.

In ancient times, East and West believed that Mars represented "star of disaster." When the star was extremely bright, it indicated that there would be a plague and war.

(Xinran Reporter-General / Responsible Editor: Dong Ye)

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