The Shanghai Hospital has successfully opened the heart of the palace in Asia


Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine Xinhua affiliated hospital successfully for a conbad fetal heart dysplasia, in Intra-uterine surgery for heart surgery in the mother's stomach was the first successful case in Asia.

According to media reports from the mainland, Ms. Zhou, 36, was diagnosed with conbad heart disease when she was pregnant for 24 weeks. This news caused suffering to Ms. Zhou because she suffers from polycystic ovary syndrome, her pregnancy is more difficult, her first child was artificially conceived by IVF, and this fetus is a natural pregnancy, so she hopes to keep that. New Life

After the doctor understood Ms. Zhou's call, she began to watch closely. By the 31st week of pregnancy, the left and right ventricle of the fetus was revealed unbalanced, at the same time as a pericardial effusion and mitral regurgitation were observed. All indications showed that aortic stenosis occurred. was developing in a very serious direction. Lowering, leading to dysplasia and failure, even if the fetus is born successfully, he will have to undergo complicated surgery to survive, but the mortality rate is greater than 20%.

Pregnant women go through the dangerous period

The medical team decides to perform intrauterine surgery for the fetus in the mother's womb, using the puncture needle to pbad the belly of the pregnant mother, the uterus, the fetal wall and finally the puncture needle. Fetal left ventricle. The expanded guidewire and balloon are then delivered to the left ventricle and, once the dilation balloon is delivered to the site, the narrow aortic valve is expanded.

The operation was successfully completed last Tuesday: pregnant women and the fetus pbaded the dangerous period the next day, and aortic valve stenosis of the fetus was also reduced from very severe to moderate, offering favorable conditions for further treatment after birth. , greatly improved the survival rate.

Ms. Zhou said that she completely let go of her heart and is waiting for the birth of a small life.

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