The statue of the climbing goddess was arrested and the left attacked the ICE to provoke a controversy Statue of Liberty Democratic Party NTDTV


[New Tang Dynasty, 5 juillet 2018] Recently, some members of the Democratic Party of the United States have proposed to cancel the "Immigration and Border Enforcement Agency" (ICE). On Independence Day, an organization of the civil society on the left presented relevant information. Banners and climb the statue, causing the closure of the attraction. However, a poll shows that more than 50% of Democratic voters do not support the cancellation of ICE.

This new strategy drew a national look at Independence Day by a black woman who climbed the dramatic scene of the Statue of Liberty.

At 3 pm on Independence Day, the woman climbed to the base of the Statue of Liberty, causing the closure of the entire island. After almost four hours of communication, the New York police persuaded her and then detained them.

New York Police Detective Brian Glacken: "She mentioned that children on the Texas border are topics that are being discussed all over the United States, but she did not say much."

Closer to the Statue of Liberty Members wear a "cancel ICE" t-shirt and open the banner to express this message. They began to deny that the woman was complicit and admitted later, but they said that the escalation of the base was not planned.

In the first six months of this year, 150,000 illegal immigrants attempted to enter the United States via the US-Mexico border. The issue of immigration has sparked many discussions.

The Democratic Party called for the cancellation of ICE characters, including New York Senator Lu Tianna, Mbadachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren and others.

But the ICE functions are not related to border issues: they are applied in the United States, notably to fight against smuggling, to investigate money laundering and to arrest illegal immigrants.

Trump praised ICE for damaging the MS-13 violent gang at a West Virginia dinner on a "tribute to the army" on Tuesday.

US President Trump: "We need border security and national security, we respect the CIE, only they do it, they are very powerful people, they must be powerful."

Harvard-Harry The poll showed that 59% of Democrats are not in favor of the dissolution of ICE, and 51% think that the application of borders should be stricter. The Department of Homeland Security announced Thursday that the number of people detained at the border in June (34,114) was down 18% from May (40,338) due to Trump's zero tolerance policy.

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