The Times' blood participated in public information online sank Mo Naiguang apologized for the incident


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Huang Yangda – Photographed at the Second Session of the Advisory Committee on NOC Discrimination Regulations Department of the Blood Publishing


Mo Yiguang, the information technology industry of the Legislative Council, said today (July 7) that the office was using the online survey tool provided by Typeform , but recently learned from Typeform that the company had discovered computer security incidents. He is deeply apologized for the fact that the public who participated in "a person, a letter and an objection to shorten the time for the election vote" will be affected.

Mo Naiguang, who had a sudden loss of hearing in the right ear, revealed that the name and response of the 15,000 citizens who had submitted their opinions had been disclosed, including about 9,500 addresses. e. After the completion of the activity of a person, the office deleted all the information collected in the system, but on July 2, he received a notice of type, stating that after to have learned, he found a department. The information was downloaded by foreign invaders.

Upon learning of the incident, Mo Naiguang informed the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of the personal data and reviewed the contents of the information disclosed, including the names and email addresses provided by participants during the presentation of their observations. Disclosed information includes the opinions of participants using online tools.

Mo Naiguang continued, there is currently no evidence that the information disclosed was used by criminals and he suggested that participants be vigilant, especially fraud and spam. If you receive suspicious emails from Momoguang or its office, do not click on any links, do not provide any personal information, and immediately delete the e-mail.

To: Citizens who participated in [une personne, une lettre, contre la réduction du temps de vote]

My office uses the online survey tool provided by Typeform. We learned from Typeform that the company recently discovered incidents related to information security and that you were involved in [une personne, une lettre contre le raccourcissement de l'heure du vote] was affected. I'm really sorry for that.

Posted by Charles Mok Mo Naiguang on Saturday July 7th, 2018

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