The trade wars between China and the United States extinguish the WTO and call on the Chinese Communist Party to strengthen control of the economy |


[New Dynastie Tang, heure de Beijing, le 26 juillet 2018] Thursday, July 26, the Sino-US trade war was again extended to the World Trade Organization (WTO). The real purpose of the US representative 's accusation of the CCP' s business and economic model is to strengthen the government 's control over the economy and to completely violate the rules of the WTO.

According to a comprehensive foreign media report, the WTO held Thursday in Geneva, Switzerland, a meeting of the General Council, the US ambbadador to the WTO, Dennis Shea, stating that the The CCP's economic model is "the most protectionist economy in the world". The United States hopes that the business growth model will benefit all countries.

Shay said, "Although China (the CCP) has often described itself as a strong advocate of free trade and the global trading system, China (the CCP) is actually the most important mercantilist economy. protectionist of the world ".

Xie Yi believes that the CCP's self-proclamation "economy and the opening market" is false and says: "For China (CPC), economic reform means further improving the government and the Communist Party to control economic management and strengthen "

Xie Yi stressed that the real purpose of the CCP's business and economic model is to strengthen party and government control over the national economy, which is not in accordance with the terms of the WTO members.

He stated: "Since joining the World Trade Organization in 2001, China (the CPC) has not Has not fully accepted market-based policies and practices. "In addition, the role of the CCP in China's economic development has been strengthened …

He said that the United States has been dissatisfied with the delay of the WTO and have not fully addressed the issue of the Chinese government of the ruling party and the army involved in economic development.

WTO Director-General Roberto Azevedo said on Wednesday that, although the WTO has established rules restricting the influence of member governments on the private sector, it recognizes that 39 The emergence of new economic measures and the gray zone makes the CCP's economic development model bypbad these rules.

Shay called on WTO members to recognize that if they do not reform and do not limit the CCP's long-term unfair commercial practices, the organization will become "insignificant". He also stressed that the WTO must put the responsibility on the correct actions against Beijing.

The World Trade Organization (WTO) was officially established on January 1, 1995. Its main purpose is to help countries trade smoothly, freely and fairly.

(Reporter Xiao Jing full report / editor responsible: Dong Ye)

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