The truck lost control and crossed the retaining wall of the cliff! Spray pipe "fall net" hanging in the air | ETtoday Continental | ETtoday News Cloud


  ▲ ▼ out of control truck crossed the retaining wall of the cliff! Driving the Fly

▲ Out-of-control truck crossed the retaining wall of the cliff, driving and flying in the big net. A truck in Yunnan Province lost control and rushed to the self-rescue ramp of the Kunming Expressway.The front of the car rushed out of the wall of retaining and is suspended in the air. Fortunately, there was a large net on the outside of the 100-meter-high retaining wall, the two people who fell from the driver's seat were just caught and they did not fall off the cliff, they were diagnosed with minor injuries.

According to the "Global Times" report, the accident occurred in the 27-kilometer descent of Yuanjiang District, in the Yuxi section of the Kunming Expressway, in the ramp of Self-rescue of K229 + 500 meters. The front of the truck was hung on the retaining wall and the body was tilted on the ramp, the driver's seat was completely unrecognizable due to the collision wall, the contents of the car were scattered in the net and the breeze was stained with blood.

 ▲ ▼ A truck out of control has crossed the retaining wall of the cliff! Driving the fly

▲ ▼ truck head suspended in the air, the contents of the car are scattered in the net.

 ▲ ▼ A truck out of control has crossed the retaining wall of the cliff! Driving the Fly

Police investigations indicated that driving was the first after 27 kilometers of descent, after the truck was found out of control, he tried to stabilize the car and rush on the road . I did not expect to hit the retaining wall of the tail under the ramp pad. When I wake up, I find myself in the pocket of the net, my friend is also in the pocket of the net, I am afraid that the front of the car does not fall, I untie the rope at the bottom and I go out. In a few minutes, the traffic police rushed to the scene to save my companion.

Immediately after the arrival of the police, the two wounded were sent to the Yuanjiang County Hospital for treatment. . When I thought about the accident, I could not stop driving: "I found out that the net is under the cliff, if it's there." no, we will fall, then we must be dead! "

 ▲ ▼ The truck lost control and crossed the retaining wall of the cliff! Driving the Fly

▲ ▼ This section is one of the most dangerous of the Kunming Expressway.

 ▲ ▼ A truck out of control has crossed the retaining wall of the cliff! Driving the fly

It is understood that the accident occurred at one of the most dangerous sections of the Kunming Expressway: the slope of the car ramp -Sauvetage is small and short. In order to protect the safety of more drivers, the High Speed ​​Brigade built a large net in the outside wall of the ramp in 2015, successfully saving at least five people and reducing the car accident rate. The brigade periodically changes the network to make sure it works, this time, after half a month of replacement, it has saved two lives.

 ▲ ▼ A truck out of control has crossed the retaining wall of the cliff! Driving the fly

▲ Below the emergency road is the cliff.

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