The truth teaches Asahara to influence the death penalty Life is full of more than one mistress – Hong Kong Economic Daily – TOPick – News – Society


The Tokyo Saline Gas Incident of Japan occurred on March 20, 1995, after 23 years, the brain of the case, Asahara Akira, 63, Japanese Lord of Aum Shinrikyo, was Friday, July 6 in Tokyo. A detention center executed the death penalty. The act of fornication and absurdity of Asahara was also revisited, including asking female believers to drink sperm, shave pubic hair and have more than 100 mistresses, he had at least 15 children.

Taiwanese media reported that the four girls of Asahara Akira, Matsumoto Satoshi, have published the book "Why am I the daughter of Asahara Akira", and revealed the desolation of "evil"? Asahara in the teachings. Matsumoto Satoshi mentions in the book that Asahara's preference is to be with women, and he will choose believing women as "test bad" to help them rise to a higher level by telling believers to drink. his sperm and pbad it through the mouth; He called this ritual "sacrifice".

Matsumoto Satoshi revealed that Asahara Akira had a strange hobby, shaved female pubic hair, and gathered and tied the name with the bottle. Asahara Akira has more than 100 mistresses, all executives or members of Aum Shinrikyo, who gave birth to at least 15 children. It is said that some believers will cook dishes in the bath water of Asahara, and his hair and nails will be considered sacred goods among believers.

The daughter of Asahara Akira reveals her father's desolation, including asking female believers to drink sperm and shave pubic hair. (Online photo)

Asahara Akira, formerly known as Matsumoto Zhijinfu, founded the Aum Fairy Society in 1984 and then renamed Aum Shinrikyo in 1987. The doctrine contains "If you want to save people "In 1989, criminal cases like the death of a man who was originally a believer took place.

Aum Shinrikyo participated in the general election of the House of Representatives in February 1990, but the 25 members, including Asahara Akira, failed. After the electoral defeat, the truth teaches to take the armed path. They used automatic rifles and began making sarin gas, which triggered a terrorist attack on the Tokyo-Sarin metro, killing 13 people and injuring more than 6,000.

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