The typhoon "Wukong" will be formed near Taiwan The unstable weather must bring rain equipment Tropical depression New TV channel of the Tang dynasty


New York time:

2018-07-22 03:33 AM

Tropical depression 998 hectopascals, moving at 21.2 degrees north latitude and 122.7 degrees east longitude, or 240 km southeast of the eel's nose, moving northward to a speed of 20 km / h. (Screenshot of the Central Meteorological Administration's website)

[Période New Dynastie Beijing, 22 juillet 2018] The tropical depression in the north-west of the Philippines continued to move north on the 22nd at 10:30 am. On the sea 240 kilometers southeast of the east, the Central Meteorological Bureau observed that it would develop in the 11th light typhoon "Wukong" this year and that it has the ## 147 ## 39, opportunity to approach Taiwan.

According to the observations of the Meteorological Bureau, this tropical depression in the northwestern part of the Philippines is expected to move northeast to the outer seas of southeastern Taiwan, then northward to the seas. exterior. Lu Guochen, director of the Meteorological Meteorological Center, said that if the tropical depression or typhoon turned north early, it could be closer to Taiwan, but it would not threaten the land of Taiwan, but half is (there including Green Island, Lanyu). And the south coast is prone to long waves, and seaside activities must be safe. The Weather Bureau predicted that "due to the tropical depression or possible typhoon formation, the weather in Taiwan is unstable today and tomorrow, and there are short-term showers in the central parts of the country. and southern, Hengchun Peninsula and Taitung, Ludao and Lanyu. Or thunderstorms, there are local short-term showers or thunderstorms in other areas.

The Meteorological Bureau said that it is necessary to pay attention to the possibility of heavy rains in mountainous areas and in the Greater Taipei region around Taiwan after noon tomorrow.

(Editor: Cheng Yiren)

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