The United Kingdom reproduces the suspicion of the sinister cloud 2 people come into contact with the mysterious material crisis – Hong Kong Economic Times – Instant News Channel – International


The UK reproduces the suspicion of chemical weapons: a couple from southern England suspected exposure to unknown substances, was unconscious and was in critical condition: the police identified a major accident and blocked investigations. The scene of the incident was in March, and former Russian double-faced spy Sergei Skripal was suspected of being poisoned by a poisoned poisoned site just 11 kilometers away.

The incident occurred in Amesbury, Wiltshire, in the south of England, and police said that some people aged about 40 were found in a twilight on Saturday 30. The building was unconscious.

Rescuers thought at the time that they may have taken contaminated heroin or cocaine-like drugs and then sent them to the district hospital. Salisbury for treatment.

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But until Tuesday, the Wiltshire police has suddenly announced that the wounded were not known in Amesbury. After the substance has fallen into a coma, the current situation is critical and the case is now clbadified as a major accident. The authorities have still not confirmed which substances they have contacted and need additional testing.

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Authorities blocked several locations near Amesbury, but the district hospital Salisbury is still open. The UK Department of Public Health has stated that at this point, the incident is not considered a major crisis for public health.

Amesbury is only 11 kilometers from Salisbury, Scrippar's father and daughter, and the police did not reveal whether the two incidents are related.

Scripar's father and daughter fell into a coma in contact with Salisbury with nerve agents in March, and the situation was once critical and was subsequently reestablished. The British accused Russia of being behind the scenes tended relations between the two countries.

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