The White House: US military soldiers dead at war in the US military must leave North Korea | US military remains | Trump | Kim Jong-un


[Epoch Times 27 juillet 2018] (Epoch Times, reporter Xia Yu) (July 26) It was confirmed in the evening that an American military plane carrying the remains of US military had left North Korea and that these American soldiers had been killed during the Korean War.

The US Air Force C-17 aircraft departed Wonsan and transferred the US military to Osan Air Force Base in South Korea. The White House issued a statement saying that she should hold an official ceremony back on August 1st.

A US official told Ryan Browne of CNN News that North Korea, as it is said, sent the 55 US military widows back to the United States.

It may take several months of detailed DNA badysis to identify the number of wills, including US military personnel.

CNN reported that every body will be opened and photographed in North Korea before the plane takes off. Upon arrival at Wushan Air Base, US forensic experts will conduct a more in-depth badessment of the body and inspect all military uniforms, identification tags or documents. This exam can take up to five days.

Next, a formal military ceremony will be held at the airbase, and the body will be transported to the US military laboratory in Hawaii for DNA testing.

Statement by the Press Secretary on the repatriation of the remains of North Korea

– Public Pool (@WHPublicPool) July 27, 2018

At the historic US-DPRK summit in Singapore, President Donald P. and President Kim Jong-un took a bold first step in achieving the complete denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, changing relations between the United States and North Korea. Peace, "said the White House." Today, Kim Jong-un fulfills part of his commitment to the President of Trump and makes the remains of the US Army We are encouraged by the actions of the DPRK and the momentum of its positive change. "

In Sichuan Gold Council Trump and Kim Jong-a also signed a document stating that Pyongyang will work hard to achieve a" complete denuclearization of the Korean peninsula ".

South Korean President Wen Zai has stated that the return of the remains of US soldiers could increase the trend of nuclear talks between Pyongyang and Washington.

A US official told Fox News that the United States is in danger. Expected that the North Korean regime would return about 55 Korean soldiers killed in the Korean War on Friday (July 27.) This day also marks the 65th anniversary of the signing of the agreement of 3 Armistice

At the present time, South Korea and North Korea are still in a state of war in technology because the two countries have never signed a peace treaty .

"USA Today" reported that about 7,700 US soldiers were missing in the Korean War, and there are still 5,300 military remains in North Korea. The war killed millions of people, including more than 600,000 Chinese, 600,000 South Korean soldiers and more than one million North Korean civilians and 36,000 US soldiers.

Since 1990, North Korea has left the remains of 340 US soldiers.

Publisher: Ye Ziwei

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