"They copied us." New Zealand Prime Minister: Australia should change the national flag! | ETtoday International | ETtoday News Cloud


  ▲ ▼ New Zealand flag (left), Australian flag (right). (Photo / Dazhi Image / Associated Press)

▲ New Zealand (left) and Australia (right) are similar in design, and people often confuse the two. (Photo / Dazhi Image / AP)

Reporter Wang Zhikai / Full Report

New Zealand Prime Minister Winston Peters has accused Australia's neighboring flag of "plagiarism" on the 26th, calling it a "mockery". another party to replace the national flag. New Zealand and the Australian flag are similar in design, although they are often confusing, but both countries use the national flag for many years and Pitts wants to suddenly change the flag of Australia, which could be related to the subtle relationship between the two countries.

Foreign media reported that New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern was on maternity leave and was appointed by Prime Minister Pitts. In an interview with the New Zealand TV program, Mr. Peters said that the referendum on the 2015 flag said: "We designed this flag and used it for a long time, Australia has told us copied and they have to change their national flag. "

The national flags of New Zealand and Australia are all dark blue, and the upper left corner is also derived from the British flag, the only notable difference is that the Australian flag has 6 white stars, of which 5 represent C & # 39; s is the Southern Cross, and the New Zealand flag is represented by four red stars.

New Zealand officially adopted the current national flag in 1902, but the Australian flag was only recognized in 1954. However, Australia used a similar version as early as 1901, but it was based on red. In 2015, New Zealand held a referendum on the national flag: although the first round of voting chose a silver fern instead of a rice flag, in the second round of voting in 2016, 56, 6% of the votes were reserved. The change of flag is also calmed for a moment.

The pites suddenly sparked the flag issue at the moment, which may be related to the recent subtle changes in relations between New Zealand and Australia. New Zealand and Australia have always been considered close allies: citizens of both countries can easily travel, travel and work: the number of New Zealand citizens settling in Australia exceeds 600,000, which equals one-tenth of the New Zealand population. .

However, Australia has changed its immigration policy since 2014. Thanks to the policy called "personality test", the Australian government can expel any foreign resident who has a criminal record or who is considered as a threat to the country.

In February of this year, Australia revealed that it had canceled nearly 1,300 visas, of which more than half were held by New Zealanders. These people are official Neo-New Zealand citizens. Zealand, but some live in Australia for the rest of their lives. I did not set foot on New Zealand in one step.

New Zealand Attorney General Andrew Little accused the Australian government of "profit-seeking" last week, deporting New Zealanders living in Australia, violating the common human rights concept of the two countries . Australian Immigration Minister Peter Dutton replied that New Zealand did not contribute enough to the defense relations between New Zealand and Australia.

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