"Top Ten Hotspots After 2018 World Cup" (below) | Heroes Anonymous | Fans World


"Top Ten Hotspots After the 2018 World Cup" (below)
The World Cup has always been a big step for players, and last month, many players stood on this stage to shine. With the end of the World Cup, the club will continue to prepare for the summer and continue to prepare for the summer, I believe that many clubs will recruit on the transfer market. I believe that they will become hot object this summer.


fifth place: Biford [19659005] This year's England performance is quite different: in addition to Chabia mentioned in the previous episode, the best goalkeeper Bifu is also remarkable: his World Cup performance is not like a 24 year old. Youth with less than 10 international competitions before the World Cup finals. Although he has little experience, he has already become famous in the Premier League, he proved himself in Newtland and received the title of 30 million books by Evanton, which places him in third place world. The goalkeeper of the prize. After Shufuji finally eliminated Zuhet, Bifu managed to beat Biland and Puppy to become the No.1 goalkeeper of the England national team. Although many fans were worried about his lack of talent, Experience, he was present. The performance rebadured the fans, and they became a national hero in the 12th court of Colombia.


Fourth place: Bielexi
"German Corps" this year In the final of Black horse, although he eventually lost to France, but the efforts of a group of players in the table have been confirmed by fans. In addition to Wensu Keji and Moody, another catchy player in Croatia is Bielexi. Bilyssey, 29, has played for Bundesliga club Domont and Wolfsburg and has been transferred to Serie A club Inter Milan in recent years, although the club's performance is unsatisfactory. Unfortunately, this was not possible. Unknown, after the outbreak of this World Cup, Manchester United will he determined to bring Bielexi to Otto?


Third Place: Keshawen
In recent years, Kishawen has become a "second female" "In the horse experience from time to time in the Liga, the vice-champion of the European Union, went to the Cup of Europe and lost to Portugal to win the second place, this year with a regular game to finally hold the World Cup. Kisha's performance this year is even more general: compared to the European Cup, he is more adept at playing a free agent in frontal zone: he is organized, saved, moved, intercepted, etc. That's fine, from a former winger to a defender or an attacking midfielder. The winner of the bronze medal he has been in contact with Barcelona during the World Cup this year, but he finally decided to stay in the horse experience, but in the past, in the transfer market, There are no players If you do not sell the price, if a big ball can raise the French star at a high price, I believe that the horse will always be happy to let him go.

  https://images2.minutemediacdn.com/image/upload/c_scale, w_912, h_516, c_fill, g_auto / form / cover / sport / belgium-v-france-semifinal-2018-fifa-world-cup -russia-5b4734d07134f6e461000054.jpg

Second: Xiasat
Xiashat has proven his ability in the national team or on the road of the car in recent years, this year's World Cup has become the winner of the silver medal, with At the same time, after returning to the Premier League club Chess, he is still facing a dilemma. After the official departure of the mainland, the club will inaugurate the new team leader Shari, I believe that it will bring more and more new faces on the road.The main purpose of Shali is to d & # 39; Add a new player, but also hope to leave. Belgian chief star. It is said that after the sale of Cristiano by Real Madrid, he was the target of Xiasat and decided to prepare a bid of 150 million pounds to fill the void after the departure of Cristiano. Although money is not a panacea for Che Lushi, do not forget that they do not even qualify for the European Union in the coming season.It is difficult to leave "Xia Shi San".

  https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--70Dv2Fjp--/c_scale, f_auto, fl_progressive, q_80, w_800 / c9dxluuqjqdtqmdeznpr.jpg

first place: McBabi
believes that the first candidate will be estimated that he is the best young player of this year, the Macbeth. This year's performance can be described as "radiant" to describe the French winged player. The 16th team used the speed of Argentina to force the enemy and scored a goal in the final.It finally succeeded Brazilian player Billy in 1958. After the World Cup finals, the second youngest player in history scored a goal in the World Cup finals. At the same time, he also became the third youngest player in history to participate in the finals of the World Cup at the age of 19 and 207 years old. I believe that the current PSG club is also very rewarding because they reached an agreement with Monaco in the season to rent and buy this summer, it will be transferred to the "special price" of 100 million euros, otherwise it will be expensive. Dubbed now.

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