Trump changes the mouth and refers to the intervention of Russia in US elections – Economic Access ET Net


US President Donald Trump publicly denied Russia's intervention in the 2016 US elections at the US-Russia summit, provoking strong repercussions and even criticism from the Republican Party. Trump changed his mouth on Tuesday, referring to Russia's intervention in the general election.

US President Trump (Donald Trump) changed his mind and pointed out that Russia intervened in US elections (iStock profile picture)

He stated that he accepted the agencies' findings US intelligence, but pointed out that he was not colluding with Russia, adding: "It may be that other people do it."

Seeing the crowd, Trump changed his mind. Said he had made a mistake at the joint US-Russian press conference and had misunderstood "what" (not) as "yes", so that the phrase would become "I do not see why it would be the ( Russia) "(I do not see why that would be).

Clarification after 27 hours The interpretation is far-fetched

The media review of Trump's pretexts the day shows that the explanation of the wrong words is pretty wacky. Trump said the same day: "My people came to tell me that they thought it was Russia, now that President Putin is here, he just said that it was not the Russia, I do not see why it would be Russia.

Moreover, Trump did not explain why the clarification had taken place after a long time.From the end of the press conference to the clarification to the White House, Trump accepted two TV channels and sent at least six posts on Twitter.

After acknowledging the wrong words, Trump reiterated the conclusion of the acceptance of US intelligence agencies that Russia is in the 2016 US general election and has full confidence and support for US intelligence agencies, but he continued, "It can be done by others, many people are out there, in short, there is No collusion (Russia). "

[19459] 009] The previous presidential order made the US-Russian relations mediocre

[19659002] Trump only changed the relevant comments on the intervention of the general election, and still maintains the criticism of former presidents, in saying that they lead to bad relations between the United States and Russia.

The blatant denial of Russia's intervention in the US presidential election shocked both parties in the United States, even the two main leaders of Congress: the Speaker of the House Ryan (Paul Ryan ) and Major Major Mai Kang Mitch McConnell criticized and made Trump aware of the seriousness of the situation and had to change his mind.

Reuters and Ipsos conducted a survey after the US-Russian press conference, showing that 55% of registered US voters are not satisfied with the way Trump deals with relations with Russia, only 37% satisfied.

Excerpt from Hong Kong Economic Times

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