Trump criticizes the pace of Fed interest rate hikes US dollar bond yields have fallen – Finance News – Xincheng Finance Channel


Trump criticizes the Fed's rate hike, US dollar bond yields fell

20/7/2018 1:53
US President Trump said that it was not the case. was not thrilled by the rise in interest rates, The dollar strongly disadvantage the United States and US Treasury yields fell sharply.
When Trump accepted CNBC's visit, he rarely criticized the Fed's monetary policy, although he claimed he had invested heavily in the Fed. The market thinks that this is not enough, especially competitors, the European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan, which maintain an accommodative monetary policy, and the United States resume normalization of interest rates to that time. He said that with the depreciation of the euro and the renminbi, the United States is at a disadvantage.
He lamented that tax reforms and other economic measures have improved the economy, but in exchange for rising interest rates. Even if he does not like to raise interest rates, he will still not interfere with the Fed's practice.
Trump admits that as president, criticizing the Fed is not unusual. Can be provoked to criticize, but he does not care, pointing out that it is only a personal speech as a citizen

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