Trump refuses to replace 12 Russian defendants by US officials White House retaliates against rumors Pouch New Tang Dynasty TV


[New Dynastie Tang, heure de Beijing, 20 juillet 2018] The White House struck another set of storms after the "Shuangpu Conference" on Thursday, July 19, noting that President Trump did not support the permission of the Russian president. The Russian side has inquired in the opinion of US officials.

"Shuangpuhui" has not wavered, and the waves have increased again. After political opponents on Monday criticized Trump's "treason" at the US-Russian summit, US media began speculating on a proposal Putin made at the summit, allowing special prosecutor Robert Mueller to question him. interfering with the United States in 2016. The Russian defendant in the general elections exchanged Russian officials against US officials.

The White House said Thursday afternoon that Trump had rejected Putin's request.

The White House spokeswoman, Sarah Sanders, said in a brief statement that it was a proposal put forward by Putin, but Trump was not d & # 39; # 39; agreement.

Putin's proposal relating to the Russian-Russian door investigation. Just three days before Trump met Putin, US Vice Secretary of Justice Rod Rosenstein suddenly announced that he was suing the 12 Russian Intelligence Service (GRU) intelligence personnel. as part of the Muller investigation. The Muller team accused them of continuing to attack the National Democratic Committee (DNC) network and the Hillary Clinton team in the 2016 US presidential election, disrupting the US elections.

It is hard to believe that Rosenstein's moment of pursuit is just a coincidence. Trump's presence at the "Shuangpu Conference" was subject to tremendous internal pressure, and Muller's accusation also underscored the importance of the summit for the most difficult issues in the current relations between the states. United States and Russia. Indeed, after the summit, the Democratic Party and Zuo Media did not directly condemn Russia's interference with the 2016 US presidential election as an excuse to launch a new series of storms against Trump and even bombard Trump's "betrayal".

This offensive round from the left is weakened in the conservative game, but the new one is off again.

When Putin met Trump, he made an unusual suggestion – allowing Muller to question the 12 new Russians indicted, but in exchange, the Russian government was allowed to ask some US officials. According to the badysis of the National Public Radio (NPR) of 19, if Putin ordered the Russian secret services to take "active measures" to interfere with the US elections of 2016, one of the important reasons could be that Putin believes that the United States and other Western countries The State also initiated such actions against Russia and himself. In particular, Putin seems to believe that the former US ambbadador to Russia, Michael McFaul, personally directed such actions against him.

However, at the press conference in Helsinki, Trump said on the spot that the proposal was "unbelievable". However, since Sanders did not answer this question clearly at the White House press conference on Wednesday, it sparked a new wave of bombings.

Putin said that he would like to ask questions also include Bill Browder, the British-born British financier and co-founder of hedge fund Hermitage Capital Management. Browder was once Russia's largest foreign investor and was expelled from Russia in 2005. Russian authorities have stated that it posed a threat to Russia's national security: last year, it had been sentenced to nine years in prison for fraud and tax evasion. Browder has strongly criticized Putin for corruption and concealed huge badets abroad.

The Russian media also listed a list of other US officials that the Russian government wanted to ask.

US Senate minority leader Charles Schumer told the Senate Thursday that "President Trump would even consider handing over a former US ambbadador to Putin." There is no commitment to use all the powers of Congress. Block

(Full Report of Journalist Li Jiaxin / Editor Responsible: Dong Ye)

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