[Une deuxième finale masculine de basket-ball] the last step of the pressure against the two free throws! Cai Hongwei embodies "the secret weapon" of the Japanese domain | UPower


Hiroyuki Cai Hongwei scored four points in the match, but the two most important points of the finals were free throws.

The second round of the week of the men's basketball finals, Monday, July 9, the first time that there is the construction of the field of dragon fighting, because the former only need to get off the current field to supervise the promotion, after 19:15 to 09:00. The playing time was almost two hours, but the final victory was in the last 5.5 seconds, when the Japanese team led to 75:74, Cai Hongwei was replaced by two key penalties and finally won three points. Hero Cai Hongwei said frankly that the credit of the team, and coach Chen Chengqian eventually replaced, perhaps the choice of confidence.

Cai Hongwei latest two free throws (photo taken by this reporter)

The last 9.1 seconds of the game, the day has Huang Mingde two free throws, the team leader 75:74. At that time, the Japanese domain was escorted by the ocean, there remained only local soldiers, a stranger crushed on the other side, but when another stranger was helping, the choice of Jianlong at the moment it was obviously only a foul tactic. The Japanese domain understood the strategy of the opponent and decided to move to Cai Hongwei who scored only 2 points in the second quarter.

The Japanese domain will be Casey (photo taken by this reporter)

At that moment, the Japanese pitch opened the ball, the first moment would send the ball to the hands of Cai Hongwei, but Jianlong seems to be slow, not yet known The fault even though she was entangled in Cai Hongwei, but it took about 3.6 seconds to commit a foul. Cai Hongwei holding the ball on the free throw line, took the ball, shot the ball, shot the ball, made two free throws, the last 5.5 seconds had a 3-point advantage and forced Jianlong to start to knot.

This reporter was photographed

at the end of the game, the field's alien, Casey Kyle David, ousted.For Cai Hongwei, he never thought to give up: "Because & ### 39, there was only one point at that time. I smiled and said that I did not play much in the fourth quarter: "The audience scored two points and four points." But he knows his responsibility: "It's a free kick to change me, because I usually train myself to the ball, I trust my free throws, and eventually I've changed." to take the ball. "

Casey is definitely the last line of defense of the Japanese territory (photographed by this reporter)

The degree of stimulation is very strong, even if others watch it Accelerate, accelerate the heart rate, not to mention Cai Hongwei standing on the free throw line? The usual heart is to shoot because we have a point in advance, I do not have any tension, maybe he trusted me even though he had the chance to make two free throws. We took three points and better deployed the tactics. He continued: "I have two penalties for me. "

The second quarter was once in opposition to the enemy team (Photo by this reporter)

The next match will affect which team will be promoted, and the next opponent will be the fourth in the preliminary round, and Xuhui , who is currently in the final of the final: "We must have a chance to get a promotion in the third game, we will talk about deployment when we are all Cai Hongwei looks forward to the promotion:" I have took two parts, the last one, of course, I want to take it, all the team has risen, the team of our team is in the team for three years.This year, the best chance to ride. "

After the game, smiles (photo taken by this reporter)

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