UnionPay KFC flash 食 takeout $ 60 mobile phone flash payment is reduced by $ 30


I know Mi Mi's results are wrong: recently, AlipayHK and WeChat Pay HK seem to slow down and the reduction is lower than before. However, another mobile payment solution, the UnionPay mobile phone flash payment, has benefited from a discount since today, and the amount is very high. If you are a frequent visitor to KFC, you will be able to "call a chicken restaurant" from time to time.

UnionPay KFC flash 食 takeout $ 60 mobile phone flash payment is reduced by $ 30

Until January 9, 2019, you can take 30 HK dollars for a single meal with a UnionPay cell phone (including Apple Pay) with a single expense of 60 HK, which each person can use daily. The offer is much more than the unique offer. Netizens unfamiliar with UnionPay flash payment, such as the moderator, a brief introduction, the UnionPay flash phone payment can qualify the UnionPay card to link the wallet to the mobile phone or watch it, and use it to place the phone via the mobile phone or watch it in the UnionPay payment terminal

UnionPay KFC flash 食 takeout $ 60 mobile phone flash payment is reduced by $ 30

It should be noted that the cardholder must present the eligible UnionPay card that has been added to the mobile phone or watch before payment and successfully pay via the UnionPay contactless network before being able to use the offer. This offer does not apply at Sha Tin Racetracks, Hong Kong Stadium and AsiaWorld-Expo. It is only available for take-away or take-out dinners. It does not apply to transactions such as good delivery, self-service ordering machines, online and mobile applications. .

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