US and DPRK talk to each other Nikkei Chinese Network


Senior officials' consultations that took place about three weeks after the US-DPRK summit talks in June showed that the future of denuclearization negotiations is endemic. Not only has North Korea not proposed a roadmap for denuclearization, but it has not even promised the United States to file a statement in the first phase. North Korea is keen on the "final declaration of war" of the Korean War, which is in a state of armistice. The United States and the DPRK will set the next diplomatic stage in September, and there are not many opinions on the twists and turns of the negotiations.

The United States demands a process of denuclearization "validation"

After the consultation, the US Secretary of State Pompeo targeted the senior officials The consultations indicated that it was "constructive" but the DPRK Foreign Ministry criticized the United States, which called for denuclearization, "as if it were a thief".

Visit of Pompeo and Vice Chairman of the Korean Workers 'Party Jin Yingzhe (July 7, Pyongyang, REUTERS)

At the senior officials' consultations, the demands of the United States and the DPRK were completely uninterrupted. Pompeo called for concrete measures to move towards a "complete denuclearization". Including the state of the nuclear warheads and the declaration of relevant facilities and verification of the process of denuclearization.

US media recently reported that the expansion of research facilities in eastern North Korea continues. In South Korea, members of the opposition party have indicated that the Ningbian side, where there are important facilities such as enriched uranium plants, is still functioning normally, while sub- seafarers equipped with submarine ballistic missiles are under construction. Due to these circumstances, Pompeo may have taken a firm stance during the consultations.

On the other hand, the North Korean party demanded the publication of the final declaration on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the signing of the Armistice Agreement of the Second World War. Korea (July 27). DPRK Foreign Ministry talks said the United States had decided to suspend the US-South Korean joint military exercise in August, saying it was "no longer". a "reversible measure that can be reset arbitrarily at any time". Some badysts believe that North Korea hopes to abandon the missile engine test site and bring it back to the Korean War.

In Search of the Time of Procrastination

North Korea has not concealed its intention to move the negotiations forward at its own pace. This time, he also advocates the principle of simultaneous action in phases, starting from the problem that can be solved, and revealing the intention to use the chips not directly related to denuclearization to fight for the American return, in the case of delaying the key denuclearization. Promote the lifting of economic sanctions.

Korean diplomats familiar with the negotiations between the United States and the DPRK believe that "the game between the United States and the DPRK will continue until the end of the summer". Indeed, the United States must achieve diplomatic results centered on the mid-term elections in November, and North Korea hopes to announce new relations between the United States and the DPRK on the occasion of the party September 9th.

In September, many heads of state will travel to Vladivostok, Russia, to attend the Eastern Economic Forum and the UN General Assembly in New York. South Korean media reported on the 9th that Kim Jong-a's special plane was flying between Pyongyang and Vladivostok the same day, possibly in response to a test flight in September.

The United States insists that the price of economic sanctions is "completely denuclearized". Japanese, US and South Korean foreign ministers who held talks on 8 confirmed that they would maintain economic sanctions before North Korea achieved complete denuclearization.

The following visit to Pompeo de Hanoi listed relations between the United States and Vietnam, which has for many years maintained hostile relations, claiming that "US President Trump believes that North Korea could follow the same way that Vietnam ". Take action.

Economic News from Japan (Chinese version: Chinese Nikkei) Endi Yosuke Seoul

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