US experts interviewed about "Wu Tong", an official Taiwan media outlet in the back of the press "Do you have this diamond?" – VOA Chinese (VOA)

US experts interviewed on "Wu Tong" Chinese official media in Taiwan back "Do you have this diamond?" VOA Chinese Network (VOA)

In the United States, experts from the Straits of the Strait asked whether China had the ability to "take control" of Taiwan. John Pomfret, former president of the Washington Post branch in Beijing, quoted Jan. 5 Danny Roy, senior researcher at East-West Center in Hawaii, and Michael, professor of political science at Tufts University. According to Beckley, the two experts question China's ability to take control of Taiwan. In the United States, experts from the Straits of the Strait asked whether China had the ability to "take control" of Taiwan. John Pomfret, former president of the Washington Post branch in Beijing, quoted Jan. 5 Danny Roy, senior researcher at East-West Center in Hawaii, and Michael, professor of political science at Tufts University. According to Beckley, the two experts question China's ability to take control of Taiwan. In Pan Wen's article, Roy and Beckley believe that China's policy of winning Taiwan has failed. Pan Wen said that, on the one hand, China is threatening Taiwan to "deploy missiles against the Taiwan island in mainland China", "to imprison Taiwanese rights activists in the mainland. man visiting China "and to encourage mainland China and Taiwan. The development of tourism and other measures have been beneficial for Taiwan. This type of behavior "only made strengthening Taiwan's position against unification". US President Trump signed the "National Defense Authorization Act" in December 2018, which included the proposal to increase US military exchanges. Li Kexin, China's ambbadador to the United States, issued a stern warning, stating that "the US warship would have arrived at Kaohsiung until the moment the LPA arrived in Taiwan! " . Both experts believe that the risk of failure of military action is extremely high. Roy said that for Taiwan …

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