US Secretary of State: I hope North Korea will copy the "Vietnam Road" | Pompeo | The situation on the Korean peninsula


New York time:

2018-07-08 11:52 PM

US Secretary of State Pompeo (pictured) visited Japan on Sunday 8 and declared that North Korea promised to make a 100% nuclear abandonment, but that the United States will not mitigate the sanctions. against North Korea. .

[Dynastie des New Tang, heure de Beijing, 09 juillet 2018] US Secretary of State Pompeo recently visited Pyongyang for a nine-hour discussion with the DPRK. North Korea has promised to make 100% nuclear abandonment, but the United States will not mitigate sanctions against the DPRK until North Korea has completed the denuclearization and destruction of nuclear weapons. verification, and hopes that North Korea will copy the "Vietnamese road". "."

The United States and the DPRK held 9-hour talks on the timing of July 6-7, 2006. The two sides discussed the end of the war between the two Koreans and the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. . The two parties are tentatively scheduled to hold another discussion meeting at Panmunjom on the 12th of this month.

Mike Pompeo said Sunday at a joint press conference between Tokyo and the foreign ministers of South Korea and Japan that North Korea is aware of the policy of abandonment that the international community is waiting to be verified. The nuclear path, and the authorities have promised to do it definitively.

Pompeo also said the same day: "Although we are encouraged by the progress of the negotiations, these advances are not enough reason to relax the current sanctions." The United States will not mitigate the sanctions against the DPRK before the end of the denuclearization Verification On June 7, just hours after the end of its visit to North Korea, the Korean official agency "Korean Central Agency "issued a statement from an unnamed official of the DPRK Foreign Ministry, triggering the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. "Requirements of greed", and said the talks have opened a "dangerous scene", "may shake the desire to abandon us nuclear weapons."

In response, Pompeo responded hard on the 8th, "If these requirements are Thieves, then the whole world is a thief, because the UN Security Council voted unanimously to decide that the North Korea must take these steps. "

Pompeo also attended a reception in Vietnam. Copy "Vietnam Road". The shift from confrontation to cooperation between Vietnam and the United States is an example that North Korean leaders can follow.

Pompeo said that this degree is hard to imagine, the current glory of Vietnam and diplomatic relations with the United States. "I have something to say to Kim Jong-un: President Trump thinks that North Korea can replicate this path, if you can seize this opportunity, it's your miracle and a miracle of Korea North." / Editor responsible: Cheng Yiren)

Related links: Pompeo severely attacks the North Korean threat: the sanctions against the DPRK remain unchanged
Related links: Seize the opportunity! Pompeo urges North Korea to copy the "Vietnamese road"

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