US, South Korea and North Korea leaders shake hands and separate, Beijing calls Taiwan relations two different things – VOA Chinese (VOA)

United States and South Korean leaders shake hands and break the ice. Beijing regards Taiwanese relations as two different things. Voice of America Chinese Network (VOA)

The historic summit summit between the United States and the DPRK has been completed and the situation on the Korean peninsula has been reversed, recalling the current tension between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. The historic summit summit between the United States and the DPRK has been completed and the situation on the Korean peninsula has been reversed, recalling the current tension between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. Taiwanese President and Democratic Progressive Party Chairman Tsai Ing-wen at the PDP's regular meeting on Wednesday will be ready to hold a summit at Trump and Kim Jong-un in Singapore, leaving behind confrontation and dialogue Peaceful peaceful to jointly resolve the tensions on the Korean Peninsula and East Asia. The effort is affirmative. She said that the relevant departments of the Taiwan Government would continue to maintain close relations with like-minded countries in the region, paying attention to the latest developments on the Korean peninsula and ensuring that Taiwan's interests can be protected in case of change of situation. The decisive development of the summit between the United States and the DPRK also reminds some people that leaders on both sides of the ocean have also held summits in Singapore in recent years. Today, the leaders of the United States and the DPRK "smile and are hostile", in front of the North and South of the Korean peninsula. Party leaders shook hands with Panmunjom. Is the change in the situation on the Korean Peninsula likely to inspire cross-strait relations in Taiwan that are currently in stalemate? On Wednesday, at the Taiwanese Affairs Bureau's Beijing press conference, the Taiwanese media asked the Korean peninsula "to live a dawn of peace," but the situation in the Taiwan Straits has gradually warmed up . "Push the clouds to see the sun." In response, Ma Xiaoguang, spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Affairs Council, replied, "The Taiwan issue concerns" China's domestic affairs "and" differs from the nature of relations between the United States and the DPRK. Relations between the two countries are not relations between states. "Ma Xiaoguang mentioned Xi Jinping and Ma Ying-jeou as leaders of the Straits leadership in Singapore in 2015, and pointed out that it was a historic meeting that was being held on the common political basis of the two sides "consistent with the" consensus of 92 "and against" the independence of Taiwan ". After the DPP came to power, "refused to admit that this was one …

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