Washington: President of the Continental Affairs Council Chen Mingtong: Wanting to promote cross-strait dialogue under "3 no" – China Times News


Chen Mingtong, Chairman of the Council for Hemispheric Affairs, delivered a speech entitled "Democracy and Freedom are an Important Cornerstone for the Development of Cross-Strait Relations". Chen Mingtong, chairman of the Continental Affairs Council, said at the opening ceremony of the International Symposium on "Opportunities and Challenges of Cross-Strait Relations" on the 18th that the cross-strait relations model has always affected the Asia-Pacific region. Peace and stability, maintaining the status quo in the Taiwan Strait promotes peace and prosperity in the East Asian region, the two sides must respect each other and listen to the internal rational opinions and elaborate an orderly interactive law. It is also ready to promote cross-strait dialogue and communication and to conduct risk management without political preconditions and informal, unrestricted premises.

The full text of Chen Mingtong's speech is:

Holmes, Executive Vice President of the Heritage Foundation, Chen Deputy Executive Director of the Taiwan Democracy Foundation, Ladies and Gentlemen, good morning!

I have the honor to be invited to participate in a seminar jointly organized by the Heritage Foundation and the Taiwan Democracy Foundation. The traditional foundation has long advocated freedom as a basic concept: it is a strong advocate of democratic political development and advocates shared values ​​between Taiwan and the United States. This international academic conference is of great importance at a time when the current situation in the Asia-Pacific region is changing rapidly, risks and opportunities coexist. Below, I will provide a brief comment and explanation of the cross-strait policy proposal of the Government of the Republic of China.

The pattern of cross-strait relations over the past 70 years has always affected the peace and stability of the Asia-Pacific region

In 1949, the national government moved to Taiwan and opened the way for separation. Observing cross-strait relations over the past 70 years on the historical depth and structure of change of the international structure can be described as a period ranging from conflict to mildness, ranging from agitation to anger. agitation. Over the years, both sides of the strait have tried to use force, peace or various methods to manage their final relations, but it is still impossible to find a solution to the satisfaction of both parties. The persistence of sovereignty and democratic life. It is impossible for the Republic of China to exchange its sovereignty for an illusory peace: the 23 million people in democratic Taiwan are even less likely to decide their own destiny on the undemocratic system on the other side.

In the past, the situation in Asia has changed rapidly and cross-strait relations have also experienced major challenges in the past. The Government of the Republic of China is still committed to maintaining the status quo in the Taiwan Strait and has become a responsible stabilizer in the current complex situation. Cross-strait relations in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of China, the regulation of relations between the two sides of the Strait and other relevant laws, respect for the historical facts of cross-strait negotiations in 1992 and the search for A common ground while reserving the differences. To promote the peaceful and stable development of cross-strait relations, our position has been steadfast and firm.

Second, the strategic importance of Taiwan, based on democratic institutions and values, is the foundation of our survival

Taiwan is in the privileged position of the first Pacific island chain, with a position important strategic In the context of competition from regional powers created by the expansion of mainland China, Taiwan provides a buffer barrier in this regard and preserves the stable security environment of the Asia-Pacific region. Taiwan is not only a model of economic development, but also a successful model of democratization. Returning to the process of democratic transformation in the past, democratic belief has been rooted in the thinking and life of the people of the island. In recent years, Taiwan has continued to grow and rank among the first in the world index of democratic index, freedom or civil rights, and has become a beacon of democracy in Asia and the world. Through democratic debate and public policy oversight, the people of Taiwan have preserved the interests and needs of the people, balanced the arbitrariness of decision makers and reduced the gap with the government. breathed diversity and liveliness into Taiwanese society. Creativity and Vitality

President Cai mentioned in an exclusive interview last month that Taiwan's Tough Island has been ruled by different peoples for hundreds of years: from authoritarianism to democracy, it has not been in existence. There is no bloody revolution and different ethnic groups live in harmony. Taiwan's core values ​​today can not be violated. Everyone sees that the achievements and self-confidence of democracy are fully reflected in our next generation, creating a "light of Taiwan." Democracy is no longer the "thirst" of our generation, but the " lifestyle of nature. It is the value of Taiwan that transcends the ethnic party and is firmly convinced by all. The kinetic energy and vitality of democracy and freedom allow Taiwanese society to have a different voice over the Beijing regime, but it can also summarize the majority opinion wishing to maintain good peaceful relations with the Chinese mainland.

Third, centralized management and control of China increased, with the intention of changing the world order and international structure

. But he is heading for a more authoritarian autocracy. Since the "Nineteenth National Congress", the PCB has defined the process and the purpose of internal and external development, but not only respect for democracy and human rights, but also the construction of a social control system. Although the "Chinese model" has produced remarkable results in terms of economic development, it lacks institutional design reflecting public opinion and accountability, and can not effectively address the social contradictions between the growing needs of the economy. a better life and unequal development. With a dense control system, in order to sacrifice the freedom of the people in exchange for social stability, the flaws and limitations of the "Chinese model" are revealed.

At the same time, due to the oppression of the Western powers in modern China, it has already become a collective memory of the entire nation and, with the progressive strengthening of the overall national force, it has accumulated a international power structure dominated by the West. The huge energy of dissatisfaction, the international community has therefore begun to worry about its development intentions and strategic trends. The series of reports on the national security strategy released by the United States last year shows that mainland China is a "revisionist country" trying to change the international order since the Second World War and he blame to encourage or punish economic and military capabilities. The CCP uses "acute power" to produce ideology, influencing the government's internal decision-making, and has increased vigilance in many countries while noting attempts to extend system control and change the system. world order in mainland China.

The dispute over the system is not to show wealth, arrogance, or high-pressure control, but to give human choice, and respect for the freedom, rights and the justice. If the system creates hegemony, then they forgot the original intention of the "wealthy society" of "the end of the old, the use of youth, youth and youth ". "Stubborn and vain, can not serve people!" The leader of the Chinese Communist Party once said, "The big guys should have a big look." The appearance of this "old man" should be respectful of democracy and human rights and understand that "the only benevolent person can reduce the big things".

Maintaining the status quo in the Taiwan Strait promotes peace and prosperity in East Asia

The Beijing regime has not been able to cope with the Republic of China for a long time and the political stalemate between the two shores has not been resolved. Recently, under the so-called "one China" principle, many military diplomatic pressures or "founding Taiwanese politics" have been based on soft and harsh strategies, accelerating the destruction of the status quo in the Taiwan Strait with the exception of "China". intention to cause irreversible denouements. The Beijing authorities have asked Taiwan to forgo cross-strait negotiations and take irrational measures to suppress Taiwan's international living space, resulting in a spiral of increasing hostile situations and a difficult situation. We deeply understand that mainland China has gradually sold the sovereignty of the Republic of China to the international community and let the people of Taiwan be persecuted and oppress and give up the right to be their own master, thus losing the country and losing democracy and freedom. The position of the Government of the Republic of China in defending Taiwan's national sovereignty and dignity is unwavering and will not be silent.

Thanks the international community for its support for Taiwan's development of the concept of cross-strait relations, particularly in the United States. Friendly relations between Taiwan and the United States are based on the common democratic values ​​and beliefs of both parties and on the common interests of regional strategic security. Recently, the US administration and Congress reaffirmed their commitment to support Taiwan's democratic development, to oppose the unilateral change of the status quo, to promote the Taiwan Friends Act and to emphasize that cross-strait relations are an important part of the strategy. President Cai declared that as a free and democratic Indian country, Taiwan will work with neighboring countries to defend common gains in freedom and openness, to protect the international order based on laws and regulations and contribute more to regional stability and prosperity.

President Cai's status quo policy is consistent with the vital interests of all parties in the region and is a correct and achievable path: peace, stability and prosperity in the East Asian region are key from the world order. We hope that the United States and the international community will continue to support the country's position and avoid the unilateral destruction of the current situation in the Taiwan Strait, which in turn affects the Asia-Pacific region. Security and stability.

V. Conclusion: Reflections on Promoting Peace and Stability in Cross-Strait Relations

In the face of further changes in the situation, the Government of the Republic of China made several comments on the future direction of relations Cross-strait:

The determination to improve cross-strait relations. In the context of the guarantee of national sovereignty and dignity, we are ready to reflect on the future interaction between the two parties with a more open attitude and a more flexible policy.

(ii) Everyone seeks consensus and internal opinions. Both parties have different views on the development of cross-strait relations, the two sides must respect each other and listen to internal rational opinions and settle an orderly interactive rule.

(3) Remarks and actions to put an end to the damage done to Taiwan. The rhetoric and the actions of mainland China against Taiwan have already hurt the feelings of the Taiwanese people: the continent should stop and control the negative factors of internal exhaustion and positive development.

(iv) Conduct a pragmatic communication dialogue. We are ready to promote cross-strait dialogue and communication and to conduct risk management without political preconditions and unrestricted informal places.

The Republic of China is a sovereign state whose main interest is to maintain the sustainable development of a democratic and free system. We will not be arrogant because of the depreciation of others, and we will work harder to become international. In the future, dialogue is the best option for resolving disputes. The choice between conflict and peace is in the minds of leaders. The mainland of China must maintain a good attitude, face sincerely to the Republic of China and courageously resolve the policy. Disagree, do not misjudge the situation, miss the opportunity and make the wrong decision. It is also expected that experts and academics from both sides of the Taiwanese and US study will use the wisdom and experience of the past to create new inspiration and new agitation.

Finally, I wish the meeting every success, thank you!

(中 时 电子 报)

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